Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Ive always said there are no secrets in Internet Marketing. But sure there are. The Google search and quality score algorithms are secrets, pretty much, just as a quick example.

However, when someone is trying to sell you his latest greatest secret that got him a huge bank account, and he used those secret techniques never before revealed: Bah, humbug.

So, technically, the above headline is just to grab attention.

However if you arent aware of something, its a secret to you, so with that in mind, Id like to reveal my secret 8 steps to Internet Marketing success. Here are the steps you have to take to make it:

* Wanting

* Attempting

* Learning

* Believing

* Focusing

* Working

* Achieving

* Enjoying

I might have left something out in some situations, but for me, wanting, attempting, and learning consumed (as I wrote in my book) about 3 years of my life. Totally consumed it, in fact.

Then I finally learned what I needed to learn (for me it was Campaign Blasting), and I finally reached the step of believing.

The last 4 steps came in rapid succession.

Regardless of your current status, you can reach step 8, I have no doubt about it at all, if youre willing to do what it takes. I mentioned on our forum recently that I expect that most of our members are at least on step 3, and most are on step 6.

In reading posts on other forums, I see too many at step 1, and fear they will be there forever. For example, I saw a post the other day. The person wanted to earn $6,000 in 4 months, and he wanted suggestions. Someone gave him a good suggestion to try Bum Marketing, and his response was Im not interested in writing articles.

Uh, excuse me? Im not interested in getting out of a warm bed on a cold day, either, but some things require doing some things that you arent interested in doing.

Read the steps. Do the steps. Leave out a step and youre asking for trouble, IMO.

Where are you today? What can you do this month to get to the next step? Ask yourself how much it would be worth to you to get there. How much time? How much effort? How much money?

Step 4 (believing) can be the quickest to achieve, and the hardest to achieve, at the same time. Some people have a devil of a time because their guard is up, non believing all the hype around them. And that can be a good thing. But then again, if you believe everyone is a scammer and a liar, who will you choose for a mentor?

It sometimes takes an ah-ha moment like I had in 2005. I read a report written by someone that I knew and trusted. I said if he can do that, I can do that. And then, just like that, I did that. The rest is history.

For some people, believing doesnt happen until they see someone close to them do something amazing. Many know the story of Roger Bannister, the first person to run a mile in under 4 minutes. Prior to his accomplishing that, it was widely believed that no human being could perform that feat. Soon after he did it, several others did also.

What happened there? Did they become stronger or faster in a few weeks? Did they learn a new technique? No, not at all. All that happened was that suddenly they learned that running a mile in under 4 minutes was in fact humanly possible.

If he can do that, I can do that, they said. And they did that.

Youve heard it many times: "What the mind believes, it can achieve."

Easier said than done, I know. But there are techniques that speed up the process.

Dennis Becker is the author of a "5 Bucks a Day". In the book he divulges the life-changing strategy that took his Internet Marketing income from $30 per day to over $700 per day, including one project that netted a $38,000 profit in only 8 weeks time. Many readers have also changed their incomes by taking the simple action steps inside: 5 Bucks a Day, an Internet Marketing Strategy that works


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