Sunday, June 22, 2008

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Email marketing requires thoughtful attention to be directed to both email message and email list. This is attributed to the fact that both are components integral and vital to the success of email marketing. The truth of the matter is that the email list is the potential source of future online wealth. If it is efficiently managed, the building of the email list will be realized and the current email marketing campaign will then have achieved its objectives.

How best and in what ways can building the email list be achieved? There are various strategies to build an email list that is creditable, reliable and is capable of capturing prospects for your online business.

(1) Decide on how to target your market

Determine precisely what will be your niche product or service that you have a strong passion in. This enables you to stand out well above the rest in terms of knowledge and expertise. Devise a real catchy name for the purpose of targeting your market. Equally important will be the tag line which is in essence the unique selling proposition for the brand of product or service that will in turn reveals the identity of your website.

(2) Get hold of the attention of your target market

This is an important step that will capture the attention of a targeted audience. All that is needed is a short description of about fifteen words about your list or even your newsletter. Subsequent descriptions would include writing a thirty word as well as a one hundred word description solely about the benefits of your product or service. It is important to put in more emphasis and attention to the unique selling proposition, as it helps in the garnering of favorable customer perception about your product or service. Do not forget to include a strong and compelling rationale to induce future subscriptions.

(3) Plan a schedule for your list

Putting up a proper and systematic schedule to activate your email list ensures that the whole process runs smoothly. The list system requires an effective format and regulated frequency to run the follow-ups. These may be done by issuing a weekly or biweekly regular e-zine or newsletter.

(4) Devise a lead generation system

Construct a powerful lead generation system making use of your salesletter. With flawless support from a good sequential autoresponder, you can now send in a pre-set timing about five follow-up emails. This serves to welcome new subscribers and lay the foundation for the building of customer relationships.

(5) Make full and effective use of your website traffic

With the traffic that is slowly coming into your website, prompt action must be taken to take advantage of it. Make hay while the sun shines. Harness this website traffic to support your primary aim of building your contact list. With the opt-in box in appropriate places on your website, make the sale giving these people the choice of signing up. Another appropriate way to gather names of potential subscribers is to make use of the pop-up box, which can be quite effective in capturing leads.

(6) Make use of auto-launching

With the list of names of subscribers on hand, it is appropriate to perform follow-ups with them by making use of the auto-responder system to send five email messages at pre-set timing. Each follow-up can be accompanied by a bonus or freebies that you can offer for free. Incidentally, you can upsell to increase your revenue from the list. This is another great sales mechanism in operation on the internet. There is actually the opportunity to capitalize on leverage. It is imperative to note that permission to send these emails must have been first given by the subscribers. It is strongly recommended to include in each outgoing email message this clause: " You have received this email because you're a subscriber to our newsletter. Click here if you wish to unsubscribe". This inclusion serves to eliminate issues of privacy and prejudice of spam.

(7) Submission of your list

Build the list massively by submitting it to different directories. This is the route by which you can harness the power of websites and lists that currently have high traffic, and increase your own subscription list.

(8) Gain recognition in your niche

Create a huge inflow of traffic especially the targeted audience to your website to gain recognition for your expertise in your niche. This is best achieved through writing an article about five hundred words on your niche, and have it submitted to different publishers and article directories. When visitors assess you as an expert in your niche, they will visit your website through its address which you have indicated in the resource box to sign up for your list.

(9) Create your own sig file

A sig file serves to make yourself easily contactable with the visitors. It consists basically of your name, email address, statement of benefit and a return link or email. The components of email address and the return link that will bring the visitor to your website are basically means to contacting you. Another potential source of list building is via viral marketing. Word-of-mouth marketing by subscribers will create the massive impact that viral marketing is well-known for.

(10) Advertise

Get to advertise on e-zine ads and pay-per-click search engines. Ensure costs are kept to a minimum. This process actually permits a great opportunity for those who did not buy the first time. The ad copy with the hundred word description may be used here to drive traffic to your website.

(11) Affiliate marketing

This concept supports the simultaneous building of your list and capturing of customers. It is a commendable system that helps you to search for, make contact, and build relationships that are beneficial to your niche. A good recommendation with regards to affiliate marketing will be starting your own affiliate program. This is the ultimate system for the building of the email list.

(12) Partnership

To accelerate and increase the traffic to your website and to gain exponential growth in your income, it is always possible to partner another marketer in increasing each other's visibility through each other's resource box. Spread the word about each other and the products or services that are offered by both of you. The possibility of virally increasing the sign-ups is obviously very high.

(13) Pay for leads

Buying leads from co-registration companies will be another option to accelerate results in building an email list. The plus factor will be the saving in time, otherwise it will take a while to get subscribers into your list to build it up fast.

(14) Always be on the lookout for leads

Seminars and networking events are great opportunities to building your list. Collect business cards and perform follow-ups through personal emails or phone calls, asking them if they would be interested to be on your email list. It is prudent to remember that permission must be given first before sending out those emails. Do ensure that there is no spam.

Building the email list requires a great amount of planning and effort to bring in the results. The marketing aspect with respect to the email list must be given serious consideration. The strategies listed above are by no means exhaustive. Nevertheless, they should prove effective in contributing to the building of a respectable email list.

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