Sunday, June 29, 2008

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Whether you are a beginner, affectionately know as a "newbie" or seasoned professional to the world of online marketing, one thing that you must do to succeed is get traffic to your website. For the most part your product won't get the exposure it needs in order to sell if no one is visiting your website. And to prove the importance of this, you can go to any forum on the web that discusses topics regarding online marketing or home based businesses and everyone of them will have multiple posts related to driving more traffic to a website. Plus, there are a vast number of sites advertising their programs on the web touting their ability to help you bring in that traffic.

The fact is that there are a number of methods that can be used to help bring in traffic. However, one of the best, free approaches that has brought a lot of success to online marketers is to write articles and submit them to get posted out on the worldwide web. When readers see an article with your name on it, you become an instant authority. If they get something good from the article they start appreciating you and respecting your opinion. From there, that appreciation and respect turns into trust. At that point they'll want to find more resources from you so they will go to your site. That is when your article just generated the traffic. Now, you may say that the problem is that you can't write an article. My response to you would be why not? It's easy when you realize all you have to do is write about something you have knowledge about or are familiar with. Put 400 to 600 words down in writing about that topic and before you know it, you have an article.

Consider this; if you love music, write about that. If you are an athlete and train to stay in shape for your sport, write about that. You could be a stay at home mom and even write about the challenges or successes that go with that type of job. And the seasoned professional of course could write about his experience and knowledge with home based businesses or even something completely different such as a hobby he is actively pursuing.

In addition to the topic of choice be sure to include in your article the keywords that people search for on the internet. You can use a searching tool such as Google AdWords. When you incorporate the words that people search for then that helps bring your article towards the top of the list of Google's Search Engine. Thus, making is readily available for people to find. See the strategy is, that if you write about something you know about or are passionate about and you utilize some keywords within the article, then putting one together will be so easy and extremely beneficial, you'll wonder what took you so long to get started.

Employ these tactics and you be well on your way to writing several articles a month and well on your way to driving loads of traffic to your site. And that, will help bring about your online marketing success.

Author: Jolene Christopherson, of is an internet marketer working with top leader in the home based business and internet marketing industry.


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