Sunday, June 22, 2008

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Gorilla SEO | Search Engine Survival Skills

Everyone with a web site wants to be in the #1 spot of the major search engines. With the constant changing of the search criteria, how can you avoid getting eaten by the competition?

The answer is to spread out your SEO efforts, or employ what I like to call Gorilla SEO. There are 4 basic steps I try to keep in mind whenever I am promoting my web sites

Step 1, Work with the search engines, I don't mean load up your pages with redundant keywords until no one can make heads or tails out of it. I mean find the keywords that are similar to the main word but slightly different. If "vitamin" is your key word, try words like nutrition, or supplements to build on. When you Google "vitamin" there are over 95,000,000 results, that is a lot of pages to beat out. On the other hand if you Google Supplements there are only 325,000 results. Much less crowded and much easier to get the search engines to notice you.

Step 2, work with the overall plan in mind for your site. When developing your traffic strategy, keep keyword optimization in mind. Do keyword research before you do anything else, then build your plan around the openings. This is gorilla SEO at its finest.

Step 3, Always keep your site fresh by adding content. This is easy if you have a Blog, but even if you have a traditional site, you can add content by adding pages or new products. Most web sites now have blogs for just this reason. The benefit is that it keeps the web crawlers coming back to update what you have done.

Step 4, develop a link building strategy. In order to increase the site ranking on the search engines you have to develop links to your site. There is any number of ways to do this. You can spend money buying links on popular sites, or you can employ one of my favorite gorilla SEO techniques. This is a little known way to build quality links to your web site, just leave relevant comments on public content. Articles (like this), blogs, forums are all excellent places to comment and build links to your site.

Set a goal for your self to comment at one article per day. It will get easier to do the more you do it and the links will start to add up.

Remember to keep your overall strategy in mind, narrow your focus, search for the back door keywords, and you will be a master of gorilla SEO, the predator, not the prey.

Robert Emmerson is a freelance writer specializing in Internet marketing, Blogging, and making money online. You can read all of his articles, and get more great tips and tricks on how to make a full time income, working from home, on the Internet at


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