Saturday, June 28, 2008

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Article marketing is an extremely strong targeted internet marketing system to drive organic search engine and article directory traffic to your own website. It`s low-cost or no-cost and an excellent way to make yourself trustworthy.

One of the best ways to distribute your marketing articles widely and build contacts for your affiliate business program is to submit articles via submission service or software, which can throw your article into thousands of websites and directories all over the Net.

Your blog is an ideal place for article submissions, especially if you use the social bookmarking and pinging and let the whole internet society to know that your new post has just arrived!

The mass distribution does not require an original marketing article, but when you include, as I recommend, the high ranking, authority article directory, like, into your medium arsenal, they require original one and they thank you by throwing your article high into the search engine result page.

In the article marketing the content is the king and if you write royal stories, other affiliate business marketing webmasters will copy your article into their websites.

Now you just got free advertising, which shall bring targeted visitors and more fame to yourself!

The affiliate business marketing get gimmick to the reader to get more and especially makes him to click the link in the Bio Box.

If the title is the king of the article, the teaser makes the reader to go on, the article body gives additional information ( but not everything ), the Bio Box is a text ad, which draws the enthusiasm to the top in the article end and makes the reader to want more, to click.

We can say that the Bio Box is very important and it must include your name and the keyword as an anchor text plus a small text ad, which can persuade the reader to click the link there.

Many affiliate business marketers publish articles on their websites in the article pages or in their blogs. This is a great visitor service and after you have written a nice set of marketing articles, visitors can use them as an affiliate business library by bookmarking that page.

One of the article marketing benefits is that it works also long term and if you have done a careful work with the keyword picking you can enjoy a regular traffic during a long period of time, because the marketing articles will stay in the Net for years.

If you sometimes feel, that your head is empty and you just cannot find new topics, just type your affiliate business keyword into Google and you can get tons of good ideas or go to the EzineArticle and look at the table of the latest submissions there.

I like the article marketing especially because you can express yourself and really show that this is your way to do the affiliate business marketing. That is the fact, which know one can copy. So just do it!

Juhani Tontti, B.Sc., Marketing. Let The Article Marketing To Make Your Promotions! Visit My Site And Find Lots Of Good Examples Of My Marketing Articles And Copy Them Into Your Own Affiliate Business Marketing Site.


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