Saturday, July 5, 2008

Online marketing starts with your website

Internet marketing allows you to reach a global audience. Internet marketing is marketing your business online. Online marketing starts with your website; make sure its attractive and easy to use. When they need information, modern-day consumers turn first to the Internet. All of your online marketing will make sure they will find

Organic SEO seems to be the catch phrase of the moment. However, unlike many other linking tactics and strategies, this one actually works.

What is Organic SEO or Organic Search Engine Optimization?

Explained simply, it's where all your linking structures originates from the content up -- in other words, you let all your content created for your sites, blogs and articles do your link building for you.

Actually, the answer is as simple as this article. You're probably experiencing one of the best examples of Organic SEO right this moment by reading this article. Article marketing is pure Organic SEO. You let your article and your author's resource box build one-way links from related niche sites back to your site.

But the keyword is content. You must create high quality original content for this system to really develop and flourish. The better the content, the faster your rankings and traffic will grow. By producing valuable content in articles, sites and blogs, you are building real traffic and real links that the search engines salivate over. And they will reward your site with higher rankings and even more traffic.

Try Article Writing...

Frankly, I was rather surprised at the effectiveness of article writing. It seems like such a benevolent little creature. You write about your own experiences on the subject of your site or blog, keeping your articles short, around 500 to 800 words, although some of my best performing articles have been longer, about 900 to 1200 words.

I have only written about 60 articles. But the benefits have been enormous; spreading my content all over the web and building one-way links back to my sites and blogs. Some of these articles like the ones in or get archived and will provide good deep PR links for years to come.

There are a few techniques I use to extend the effectiveness of my articles. First, I always start with a keyword or keyword phrase that I want to target with a particular article. I do major, major, major research on my article's keywords, using sites like,, and a few others.

I check how much competition there is for the keywords. Combining a new keyword with ones you already have positioned high for in the search engines works well. For example, I have optimized my site for the keyword 'Free', it appears throughout my site. When I introduce a new keyword phrase I sometimes combine it with Free. Pick the right keyword combination and you will gain an edge over your competition more quickly.

Always put your keyword phrase into the title of your article. I also make it a habit of not picking the top keywords in a niche, I go for middle ranked keywords -- I am better assured that I will rank on the first page SERPs for these lower keywords. Why waste valuable time shooting for the stars when you can easily land on the moon!

I submit my articles mainly to a short list of online article directories (,,,,, and ) these work the best for me. These sites rank well in the search engines and even though the surfer may go to another site to read your article first, it then delivers a much more warmed up and targeted visitor to your own site.

Other webmasters from your niche will pick up your high quality articles and place them on their sites. Organically growing more related one-way links to your site. Google looks very favorably on these one-way links and will reward your site for having them.

Article marketing is one Organic SEO tactic every website should be using. Instead of paying high prices for seo services, why not write or hire someone to create keyword rich articles for your site. The benefits will surprise you.

Try Blogging...

Blogs are another form of Organic SEO. It also builds links and traffic to your site the natural way -- by providing valuable content.

For those marketers and webmasters who practice Organic SEO, the free blogging systems are a godsend. A skilled marketer can legitimately use these online blogging programs to boost their site's rankings, traffic and income. What more can any online marketer or webmaster ask for?

I use numerous blogs to compliment my sites. I base these blogs on the major keywords of my sites. For example, one section on my main Internet Marketing site examines laptop computers, I created a blog with covering the same topic. Although all the content is different from what you will find on my main site.

I also use because it's owned by Google and is very simple to use. I find posting my weekly ezine on Blogger adds another way I can get my message out to my subscribers. Not to mention, all the linking and pinging a blog brings into play.

I also use the open source software and system, WordPress for another of my blogs on marketing. This is a php database supported program that was a lot less easier to set up on my site than I first expected. It's one of the best blogging systems I have worked with and is highly favored by the search engines. If you're not using it -- try it.

In addition, I have just started using LiveJournal for another blog and that system is also very easy to use. I usually post to my blogs once or twice a week, just short helpful tips or links that a visitor or search engine would be interested in. Keep in mind, all these free blogging sites are PR9 or PR10, has to count for something.

Spam has become a problem with many of these blogging systems, I now usually block all comments or moderate them. All this spam just goes to show how effective getting links in related blogs can booster your rankings for competitive keywords.

I have found blogging to be a very effective tool for getting your keywords indexed and ranked very quickly. I also like to use blogs for those golden double-header listings in the SERPs, preferably at the number 1 and 2 spots! That's where you get two listings from your site for a certain keyword on the first page, this I find, brings in a lot more traffic than a single listing.

In art there is something called the Golden Section, a perfect proportion that works magic into any painting or picture. It is an organic and natural effect that appears everywhere in our world. For webmasters, having your site listed 1 and 2 for your keywords has to be another form of the Golden Section, made especially for us.

In that same light, Organic SEO is a natural and effective way for webmasters to grow their links and rankings. Articles and blogs are two special tools we can use to further that natural growth. Create your own Golden Section and give the search engines something to talk about by trying Organic SEO. Build your links and rankings the natural way.

Your site's salvation is only a keystroke away!

The author runs a modest Internet Marketing web site where you will find helpful online guides on RSS/Blogging, Laptops, SEO, Spyware Removal, List Building, Internet Fax and quite a few Free Marketing Tools. Copyright 2006 Titus Hoskins. This article may be freely distributed if this resource box stays attached.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

This can be a very effective promotional method. The amount of traffic and backlinks that you can obtain from article marketing is only limited by your efforts. Here are some ideas.

Copy writing has the potential to increase your profits. Incorporating these four ideas into your promotional efforts is sure to inject your marketing plan with a new vitality and renewed success. If you do it correctly article marketing can become one of your most effective means of building page rank and direct traffic to your site.

You absolutely must have a detailed and in depth marketing plan for your articles. Your article marketing deserves as much attention as any other service or product being marketed anywhere. Not only must they be marketed, they must be sold. In order to accomplish this it is essential that you have and use a coordinated strategy. Just having the plan laid it is not good if it is not followed.

Now more than ever the field of copy writing and article marketing is a highly competitive. It is entirely appropriate to consult with and even obtain the services of a profession when creating your marketing plan. Professionals in this field have experience in helping create plans and keeping clients on track with their marketing efforts. A web site is one thing that every successful individual in article marketing agree upon. This is a definite must have as it allows you to showcase your articles and skills as a writer. This gives you a place to promote your skills and talent. Keep in mind that this web site must be appropriate to your work and goals as a writer.

Last but not least, you should consider forming strategic alliances with businesses and others. This can be online or off. Joining forces with others increases your exposure and expands your potential customer base. Work smarter not harder and watch your profits grow.

You can get a free copy of our latest ebook by clicking here: The 7 Keys To Business Marketing Success Sean Milea writes about Business Marketing

Just what are the Benefits of Submitting Articles to E-Zines

E-zine advertising is perhaps one of the most underused forms of promotion. It is a good idea to do your homework, before launching your viral marketing campaign. Article writing and publishing has become the latest buzz in the internet website marketing world. The name of the game as far as Internet marketing

Search Engine Optimization includes two kinds of activity which labeled as On-Page Optimization and Off-Page Optimization. Nowadays, a lot of webmasters thought that if they have already optimized their site (optimize meta tags, keywords and contents - On-Page Optimization); they just can wait for the Free Traffic coming from the Search Engine. That is wrong at this Information Age! There is still another activity they must do which is Off-Page Optimization or better known as "Link Popularity" (How popular is your website in the view of other websites).

In order to get a "Link Popularity", your site must HAVE what we called as Back Link. There are two kinds of Back Link:

1. One-way Back Link

It is possible for your site to get One-Way Back Link if your website content is good in the view of other webmasters. So, they link to us, but we don't link back to them.

2. Two-way Back Link (Link Exchange)

In order to find a good Back Link, follow this rule of thumbs:

1. Your website content must have a qualify content

2. Find site which has the same topic or keyword with your website content

3. Find a link partner which has a high Google PageRank and the site that they kept your link do not contain more than 50 (fifty) links.

4. Get Back Link from different IP address

By using this kind of a good Back Link, it can help to boost your Google PageRank also. Remember, SEO method usually takes time, so please allow some time to pass when you want to implement the Google PageRank Booster method that I am going to describe in here, but as you get accustomed with it, you will find it easy to implement every time you find a niche market.

How to boost your Google PageRank?

1. Create a lot of articles within your niche market with the correct keywords and correct phrases to describe what your website is all about. I suggest that your website at least must contain around 50-100 pages. If you do not have time in creating article, you can use the PLR (Private Label Articles) that are sold, but remember not to copy directly the PLR content as your website content. It is always a good idea to modify it.

2. Create an internal links in between your website content. I recommend you to create at least 30-50 internal links.

3. Update your content often and on a consistent schedule. Search Engine love freshly updated content.

4. Create Back Link to your website from others blogs, forums, directories, Web 2.0, etc.

You need to generate at least 10,000 links so that you can get Google PageRank of 5. Don't be dazed with the 10,000 links. When you website reached 150 pages of content with forty or more links to other pages, Google's spiders will count these insider links as 6,000 links on condition that your website's content is alike. Please allow some time for this method to work.

Hery Yansen is an SEO buzz on SEO tips and owner of SEO Quick and Easy website. His website provides an informative content in e-book for those who are new online on discovering how to get top rankings by using free traffic.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Whenever I look at the best seller book list, I am hit right away by both envy and admiration. I have always wanted to write a best selling book but, like many writers, I have not been able to get a publisher to so much as look at my manuscript. It would be easier to bare if the best selling books were all well-written, intelligent works. They are not. As a matter of fact, one look at the list of best sellers will show you that at least half of them are complete trash. There are second rate thrillers and self-help books written by con-artists who have never helped anyone. There are poorly written exposes and sequels of sequels, capitalizing off of the popularity of a series long after the writer has run out of ideas. In short, my bitterness is not without justification.

In desperation, I decided that the only thing I could do was to start reading best selling books myself. By reading the best sellers, I figured that I would be able to divine that secret ingredient that my books were missing. I would figure out why all of these hacks could get published when I could not. Nonetheless, after joining the book of the month club, downloading digital books to read at work, and perusing every kind of genre fiction known to man, I was stumped. It seemed like there was no key to publishing your own book. Some of them succeeded because they were good and others succeeded despite the fact that they were awful. I could not, for the life of me, figure out what these best selling books all had in common.

Finally, I decided that the only thing to do was to give it all up and focus on writing. I stopped worrying about writing best seller fiction and focused instead on writing my fiction. To my surprise, my writing got better and better. Once I stopped worrying about what other people would think about the stuff that I was writing, it got much easier to write it. I do not know whether I will be the proud author of one of the best selling books one day, but I do know that I am writing some of the best stuff of my life. I have a lot of faith that, if I just keep working at it, I will make it eventually.

Rowena is an online writer with many innovative and unique ideas on web publishing and internet marketing. Visit Rowena's web site to learn of some new article writing software to help you write articles fast, as well as find out about opportunites for earning a living writing for the internet. You can learn more about Rowna at here web site on Article Writing

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

People use the Internet for so many things. Some use it as a social networking tool, some for chatting with friends and exchanging emails with family and still others use the Internet as their own personal cash machine. You'd be surprised at how many people have turned to the Internet as their only source of income-and they're making a killing at it. Perhaps you aren't surprised and you're one of them, or you're not surprised but you'd sure like to know just how they're doing it so you can do it too.

One method is to have a website where you sell something-a product, digital or otherwise, a service or a membership forum. Those are all terrific money-makers but they won't bring you a dime unless you can get people to visit your site. They can't buy what they can't see, right? Right.

So how do you get a flood of traffic to come breaking down your doors-and better yet-how can you make sure that the people visiting your site are the ones that are interested in what you have to offer them and are already willing to put some money out for it?

Article marketing is the way to go. Here's how it works. There are numerous article directories online. These are places where authors submit articles. They write articles about various subjects-generally on topics that coincide with what they're promoting online. Article directories exist just for these submissions. Depending on the article directory you are submitting to, you will be allowed to either insert a link or two to your website and your name.

Make sure to carefully study the submission guidelines before you submit your work. If you don't, be prepared to have your article rejected. The powers that be at the directories generally send you an email informing you that your article was rejected and why. You can rework it, fix the problem and resubmit.

Publishers visit article directories in droves, seeking out fresh content to place on their websites. The reason they do this is because you need to have regular new content placed on your website on a regular basis in order to get a good ranking in the search engines. Having a high page rank will bring you more traffic.

Let's say a publisher likes your article and decides to pick it up. They will download it from the directory and place it on their website. Now your article, with your resource box, name and links to your website are posted on their website. People coming to this website will read your expertly written piece, see your clink and click on it.

If the website your article is on gets a lot of traffic, you will reap the benefits of their traffic by receiving your own traffic. Now, consider that not just one publisher will pick up your article, but dozens! Perhaps more, and each time your article is posted somewhere else, you get traffic.

Traffic = money in your pocket and this is why article marketing for traffic is a good thing.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Brian T. Edmondson specializes in teaching others how to make money with Internet and Information Marketing. Discover his secrets of how fun and easy it is to make money on the internet at

Just what are the Benefits of Submitting Articles to E-Zines

E-zine advertising is perhaps one of the most underused forms of promotion. It is a good idea to do your homework, before launching your viral marketing campaign. Article writing and publishing has become the latest buzz in the internet website marketing world. The name of the game as far as Internet marketing

For the most part, you write articles in order to gain someone's attention. When you are writing articles for the internet, that means you will have to gain the attention of a search engine first. Over the years, a number of techniques have emerged to help authors develop their writing so that it is as suitable for human readers as well as search engine crawlers.

One of the most powerful tools at your disposal is keyword density. Basically, you will want to repeat a keyword a certain number of times based on total word length. As an example, a 2% keyword density in a 500 word article would translate to 10 repetitions of the keyword. Depending on the topic this, and higher densities may be easy to achieve.

With some other topics, even a 1% keyword density will look like gross keyword density. In general, anything over 4% is likely to be repugnant to the reader. Unfortunately, some article buyers want as high as 8% keyword density. They do not realize that with that volume of repetition, even the web crawler will stop reading and may well elect not to index the page.

Aside from this, the best articles for SEO purposes will be ones that hit the main target, and also bring in some peripheral ideas. When it comes right down to it, you never know what people will search on the internet for, let alone what phrases they will use to find it. Sometimes an obscure reference can be just the thing to help drive traffic to your site.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

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Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story because of the way your articles reach humans who have an interest in them. Article Marketing will help you increase your link popularity, search engine positioning for your keywords and phrases, and it helps you reach more potential customers for your products or services.

The value or worth of a link will vary from person to person, but the main objective of any link is to bring traffic back to your website. Of course, it must be real traffic rather than bots or programmed scripts that may visit your website but offer no opportunity for sales or advertising revenue. There are a variety of ways to receive links but it can be difficult to determine how much each link is worth because of the numerous factors that reflect a link's value. So let's take a look at some of the factors that make up a link's worth.

1. Traffic - the ultimate goal of any link is to generate traffic. Obviously, the more traffic a link can generate the better the link is.

2. Type of traffic - If you can receive targeted or relevant traffic it is much more valuable than non-targeted traffic.

3. Link Location - It is important that the link is easily accessed. If the link is located on a page that can only be accessed by clicking through 5 other pages the link isn't worth much. Also, if the link is coming from a "bad neighborhood" on the internet that will decrease the link's value.

4. Link Type - Is the link a one-way link or reciprocal link. A one-way link is much more valuable than a reciprocal link especially to search engines.

There are many other contributing factors to a link's value but these are the key points to consider. Just like anything of value, a link is worth what someone is willing to pay for it. While a link may not be actually purchased for cash, something of value is always exchanged. It be your time, information, a link on your site, or anything else of value.

To better understand the value of a link I have created a new project that will allow links to be traded in an open market environment such as the stock market. Through this project I hope to get a better understanding of what a link is worth.

To learn more about the project visit the link investment board at The free investment information website, 1stock1, was created by Alan Reisch. He has worked as a licensed securities broker for two large investment firms after earning a degree in finance. To learn more about investing and the stock market visit his site at