Friday, June 20, 2008

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Internet forums are great tools to take advantage of when you are in the process of starting your internet marketing business. Web forums allow people to communicate with each other by way of starting and commenting on various topics. Forums can range from a random collection of people with no real purpose besides mindless entertainment, to highly specific forums dealing with medical issues, hobbies, or other common interests.

As an internet marketer you should be taking advantage of these websites for several reasons. First of they are an excellent source of traffic for your website, obviously you want to post and become a member of a community that is interested in your websites topic. Further a forum can be an amazing place to conduct market research in, for instance you can make a post in a gamers forum asking the members to rate which game strategy book they would most want to read about. This way you can get ideas about which trends are popular and where the money is going to be.

Forums can also be approached from an opposite standpoint in terms of building up your business. You want to join internet marketing forums because they are a great resource for getting answers to any technical questions you may have or just to get advice on general strategies.

Also, while interacting with the members you may find ideal joint venture partners and use these new business contacts to increase your revenue. Overall forums can be a great place to build relationships that can result in great cross promotional ideas.

Another benefit of forum marketing is through traffic generation and back links. Most forums allow you to place a link to your website in your resource box. That means every time you post or comment your link will be visible to all who read that discussion. This is an excellent method for driving traffic back to your site.

There are tons of possibilities for your business if you effectively take advantage of various forums. Although there are several important things to keep in mind when you venture out onto new forums. You want to be courteous and respectful of the members and you should strive to be a positive addition to any new forums.

If you expect to storm a new forum wildly posting your affiliate links everywhere you will only make a fool of yourself and will definitely not make any money. You will quickly be labeled as a spammer by the moderators and active members, and then your posts and comments will go ignored if not simply get you banned from the forum. It's important to not burn these resources by acting inappropriately.

Yet if you are a quality poster and bring relevant and fresh information to ongoing forum topics you will prove your worth to that community. And when the time is appropriate you can make subtle recommendations for products that you sell or are an affiliate for. So if done effectively and cautiously forum marketing can be a remarkable strategy for any internet marketer.

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Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

An opt-in list is an excellent way of building up a targeted list of contacts for your website. As its name suggests, when people opt in to join your list, they are taking the decision themselves and this makes all the difference. No spamming here. That's the value of your opt-in invitation and you can go further with the double opt-in as well (the user has to confirm again that they want to receive your information).

There are different technologies to help you to do this. Some of them can run directly within the hosting space of a website, while others are managed for you by an independent provider. It really depends on the size of your list and what you want to accomplish.

For the solution that runs as part of a web hosting solution, you will probably need to have a hosting solution that supports the programming language of PHP. Nowadays many solutions do this right from the start. Check with your hosting provider to see what they offer and if you have access to this immediately.

You can then install a package next to your website and access this over the web to put in place your opt-in system. This does not have to be complicated. In certain cases, hosting providers offer such add-ons with "one click" installation from your administrator's account. The mention of PHP is just to make sure that your server has the right software loaded (kind of like making sure that your PC is running Windows XP or Vista when you want to install and use Microsoft Word).

After that, you need to put an opt-in form on page in your website. The opt-in form will typically ask visitors for their email address, their first name and perhaps other information like their last name, preferences in terms of type of information and so on. Once the user has filled in the form and clicked on "send", the information goes off to your opt-in list. If you have chosen a solution that supports double opt-in, then your server will automatically send an email back to the user's address to confirm that they really do want your information.

Opt-in list builders from other providers work in a similar way. The difference is that instead of the user's opt-in information being sent back to your server, it goes off to the independent provider's system and the processing is done there.

Once you've started to get names added to the opt-in list like this, you can start your emailing or newsletter activities. Don't go overboard on sending out emails. You need to find the happy medium where you send enough to interest your contacts and to remind them that you exist, but not so much that they start redirecting your newsletter to their spam filter.

Keep on adding to your opt-in list by promoting your sign up link in different ways. You can put in at the end of articles that you use for article marketing and for publication in other newsletters and ezines. You can even put it in directly to advertising that you may be doing either online or offline.

When you send out your newsletter yourself, it will probably have links in it as well. These could be to different pages in your site or they might be links to partner sites where you have an agreement with other web marketers. A good opt-in management system will track how many people click on which link. This is very useful because you can see immediately what is working and what is not.

Remember that opt-in lists should also always give users the possibility to opt out. This can often be done by the user going back to the form that they originally filled out. It is also customary to include a link for this at the bottom of each email that the opt-in system sends out.

Not everyone will opt out. In fact if your newsletter is interesting and relevant, very few if any will choose to terminate their sign-up. But by including it in your emails, you make it clear that you respect your contacts and their right to sign off. And often this is enough for them to be reassured and to continue to want to read what you put in your newsletter and emails.

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Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Let me ask you a very important question. Are you maximizing your marketing efforts? The reason that I ask this is that this is the number 1 reason that most internet marketers fail online.

I remember when I first started online life was very rough. I really felt overwhelmed as there were so many different skills that I needed to learn. I learnt the hard way that I needed to track and test everything to see where I was getting the best return.

Let us look at how I use a proven system of marketing to build my business. I send all my traffic to a squeeze page where the main purpose is to capture the name and email address of my subscribers. After this has taken place I send my traffic to a high converting sales page where I make sales immediately. Then I follow up with my subscribers by building a relationship and backend promotions where I make most of my money.

So let us look at in forensic detail how I use article marketing to do this. I write keyword optimized articles and submit them to all the major article directories. I include a link to my squeeze page in my resource box. All the traffic that I get from the article directories will build my subscriber lists as they are sent to a squeeze page to download a free report.

This is a really simple system that works. Now the key to make this very profitable is to track and test everything. When I first started I was not making that much money. However, I tracked and tested everything I did. I found some offers that converted very well. I also consistently tweaked my sales pages to ensure that I get the maximum results from them.

Once you start implementing this in your business you will realize how simple internet marketing is.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

I admit it...I'm a college geek. Well, at least I was about 30 years ago. And while I didn't learn much in college that I use today as an Internet marketer, I did learn one thing in economics class that has helped me immensely with product creation and understanding market supply and demand. Now, if you think that doesn't really matter when doing your marketing, think again. Supply and demand is the whole ball game when it comes to whether or not your product is going to sell and if so, for how much.

The basic law of supply and demand is simple. If the supply is high and the demand is low, then prices come down. If the supply is low and the demand is high, then the prices go up. Those of you who have had economics 101 know this. But exactly how does this apply to Internet marketing? I mean, if you're selling info products, which aren't a physical good, is there any real lack of supply? Well, there can be. How? Simple. Just tell your prospects that only a certain number will be sold and watch them head for the buy button if they think it's something that will really help them.

You see it all the time with slick sales pages. Only 100 copies being sold, or this offer is only good for the next seven days. These are common tactics. Of course, if you want to have any kind of credibility, you better back up what you say. But that's another message for another day. The point is, economic principals most definitely come into play when promoting anything online. So the more you understand about economics, the better your chances for success.

But economics is just the start. I also took marketing in college. Knowing the best ways to construct an ad campaign will greatly increase your sales conversion. I had a great marketing professor. This guy could sell anything to anybody. Heck, he sold me on taking the course in the first place when I went to talk to him prior to signing up.

Okay, there is a point to all of the above and here it is. By getting a solid education in marketing and economics, as well as writing and a number of other things, you will give yourself the best chance for having success with your Internet marketing career. A masters degree, which is what I like to call it, is the ticket to success, because unlike many college educations...knowing what you're doing when it comes to your business is priceless.

To YOUR Success,

Steven Wagenheim

Want to earn a 6 figure income like I do but get there in half the time? Please visit my blog at and read my review of the greatest info product ever to come out online in the 5 years I've been doing this.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

If you are utilizing articles as your fundamental marketing tool, then you need to make sure that you are able to come up with a highly commendable and exemplary article contents. When the article material is not good, there will be lesser chances of you achieving good results. Below are some signs and symptoms of a lousy article and how you can repair them:

1. Lack of preparation in creating the article. Frequently, your ideas will not flow well because you have not decided what you want to put on your paper. In trying to figure out what to say while trying to say it may seem to be efficient, but this approach is counter-productive. You will end up not thinking coherently and not communicating clearly.

2. Misconceptions about writing. You might think that once prepared, you should be able to produce a nearly perfect product easily and swiftly. Writing is hard work. Although preparation will help you, it will not eliminate the tedious job of putting your thoughts into words.

3. Being too self-critical. You may have this kind of a thinking that your writing will be criticized by other people, then you become obsessed by what others will think of you as a writer. Careful preparation will help you decide what to say and will give you confidence that what you put on paper will not make you look foolish.

4. Confusing writing with editing. You may become bogged down because you edit excessively as you compose. Switching back and forth between creative and censoring modes interferes with the flow of ideas, words, and sentences. You will need to separate the writing phase from the editing phase.

5. Boredom on what you are doing. Working on an article to be used for marketing requires hours of intensive reading, researching, and discussion. It is not uncommon to feel bored with a topic before you even begin writing. That is why it is crucial that you love what you do, so you will be able to deliver great results.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

As you know, people online transact only with people whom they trust. That means, as a marketer you need to establish your credibility and your expertise so your potential clients will consider doing business with you. Want an easy, fast, and cost-effective way of earning your target market's trust? Use article marketing as your product and website promotional tool. This will help you position yourself as an expert on your chosen niche, drive quality traffic to your website, and augment your sales potential.

1. Properly submit your articles. By this, I mean pick the best categories for your articles, create compelling article summary, indicate the keywords that are targeted to your content, and check all your hyperlinks to make sure that they are all working. This is to make your articles easy to search online and maximize your conversation rate.

2. Widely distribute your articles. To give your articles the exposure they need, register to all major article submission sites and directories. Read their terms and service so you can design your articles in such a way that they will meet the standards set by publishers. Pick the sites that have steady traffic and great page ranking as these are frequently visited by people who are most likely to read, pick up, and republished your articles.

3. Bank on your resource box. Make it compelling and enticing to attract more readers to visit your website. You can communicate the kind of information that your website can offer or provide incentives to your online visitors. Since everybody just love getting something for free, this will surely boost your conversation rate.

4. Make your articles search engine-friendly. Use keywords and popular search terms on your articles so they will fare well on relevant searches.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

When creating content for your website and taking Search Engine Optimization (SEO) into consideration, there are some additional advanced techniques to consider to help get your page positioned well in search results. Good content, keyword rich file names and directory paths, inbound anchor links to your site, keyword rich page titles and meta descriptions are important, but these other tips will help as well.

Page Redirects / Site Moves

Use a 301 Redirect via the .htaccess file. A 301 redirect is the most efficient and search engine friendly method for web page redirection. It's not that hard to implement and it should preserve your search engine rankings for that particular page. If you need to change file names or move pages around, a "301" is interpreted as "moved permanently"."

Use a Rel="nofollow"

To better control the 'votes' or 'page rank' you give to other web sites that your web site is linking to, if you add a rel="nofollow" to a the hyperlink, it will prevent any link benefit to that site keeping the value of your link juice on your web site. A web page with this tag indicates that the destination of that hyperlink should not be credited any additional ranking by user agents (search engine bots) which perform link analysis upon web pages (search engines). For example, on your web page you link to a neat article found on some person's blog. Rather than boost the ranking of that blog, you can add the tag to your link which allows you to not 'endorse' the site, just link to it.

Legitimate Link Building

Link building can include, blog posts, directory submissions, link exchanges, or other advanced link building efforts such as link baiting. Search engines are cracking down on 'Paid Links' so if you are doing, or planned on doing that, forget it. Save your money because doing so will put your web site at risk (if caught) and be dropped from the index. The best method currently is to do a link exchange with other similar and relevant content as to what your web site is about.

Link Baiting

Link baiting doesn't have to be as negative as it sounds (though people will abuse it most likely). Simply said, link baiting is basically attracting anyone who can link to your site to your web site...and have their web sites present your link to as a web site to visit. The trick is, to have a web page that creates this type of social buzz where everyone wants to link to it.

Local Listing

You should optimize your web site to attract local traffic by showing your address and local phone number prominently at the top of the web page. Use Yahoo Maps or Google Maps to display the location of your store (if you have one). You should also submit your web site to the free local listings services on Google (which now display 10 locations) and Yahoo. You will also need to make sure your web site is listed in local directories such as City Search and ask customers to leave reviews of your business on these web sites.

These 5 advanced techniques, in addition to the 5 Beginner and 5 Intermediate techniques, when done correctly should help with your organic ranking. Also be aware of the 5 SEO Abuses that can get your site penalized or even banned from the search engines.

Jason Perry

Two great SEO tools which can help track the success of your web site are WebPosition 4 and Hits Link. Both which you can try for free.