Monday, June 30, 2008

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Many people who get started in article marketing or even Internet marketing in general try to market Internet marketing products. However, they themselves have not made a few decent sales online, let alone make a full-time income on the Internet.

Truth is, there are not many people out there who are interested in making money online as there are people who want to...

- Lose weight

- Get better in relationships

- Get happier

- Have less stress

- And lots more of other stuff!

And there are many more other niches. You'll also be competing with article marketers who are not so into Internet marketing like many of the readers of this article will be. Most of the writers in those niches submit a few articles for testing or merely for small branding purposes.

However (and that is a big however!), if you use them purely for out and out traffic generation to your websites, you can get almost all your articles in the 3-digit zone easily. Many of my articles in other niches reach a 100+ page views after just a week or so and many others hit 300 or more page views.

The simple fact is this: articles in other niches away from the 'make money online' niche or 'Internet marketing' niche generate far more page views, which means far more traffic to your website. You'll also get far less sophisticated competition who are no well-versed in Internet marketing tactics!

So make use of this information to start marketing in niche markets if you haven't. I'm not saying don't sell to the Internet marketing niche (please do so if you have a quality product!), but venture into other niches where it is potentially a lot more profitable.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

This article aims to provide you with methods that can help you improve your article marketing campaign to better augment your traffic, increase your pre-qualified sales leads, pull up your search engine ranking, and promote yourself as an expert on your chosen niche.

1. Pick your subject and stick to it. Want to know the fastest way to lose your readers? Present them with an article that contains information that is not related to your main topic. Keep your articles focused and highly targeted by carefully choosing and effectively calibrating the kind and amount of information you will present on your content. Make sure that each idea you include will help your readers better understand your points.

2. Keep your articles short. You don't need to pour out everything you know in one article. To make your content highly readable and not boring, make them run 300-500 words. The shorter, the better. Remember, the audience that you are trying to serve has been proven to have short attention span and giving them lengthy articles will surely not help your article marketing efforts.

3. Follow the guidelines set by publishing sites. You don't want your articles to be rejected, do you? Read and understand the rules set by publishers and follow them by heart to increase the chances of your article being published online.

4. Pre-sell your website or your products. Focus your articles on topics that are related to your offering. This is to make it easier for you to drive quality traffic to your website.

5. Build up yourself. What is the image that you would like to establish online? Would you like your readers to consider you as an expert? A professional? A friendly, warm marketer? Adjust your writing style and your choice of words so you can project your preferred image.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Just what are the Benefits of Submitting Articles to E-Zines

E-zine advertising is perhaps one of the most underused forms of promotion. It is a good idea to do your homework, before launching your viral marketing campaign. Article writing and publishing has become the latest buzz in the internet website marketing world. The name of the game as far as Internet marketing

Affiliate marketing is another way for businessmen to widen their visibility in the online market thru affiliates --usually hired on a commission basis - to market and promote their products in exchange of a pay. This is becoming a lot enticing to most home based job seekers, most especially those who are sales-inclined. This is a good avenue for them to earn and generate money while staying at home. However, the problem occurs visibly to those affiliate marketers who are not inclined at selling. The tips below shall help potential affiliate marketers to excel and be good at it:

1. Give yourself the time to learn and understand the intricacies of affiliate marketing. As professional affiliates would always advice, there is no better way to deal with the unfamiliar territory than getting to know how it works. Take a deep initiative to engulf yourself with the fundamental ins and outs of the marketing medium. Do not be afraid to take the blow of every failure you will experience and learn from every mistake that you commit.

2. Initiate a massive investigation as to which products are at present hitting the online market. By knowing this, you get to know which products should be your target for affiliation. Do not be enticed with products that are fads to be considered because these are usually short-lived. What is suggested is for you to look for a product which is predicted to be liked in a longer span of time.

3. Prepare and test your marketing strategies. Since you will be involved with basically a tremendous job of marketing, then you should have a marketing plan that is built strongly and powerfully. After all, it is with your genius marketing plans where you get to earn your money. So, better plan this carefully and intelligently.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Once you apply the multipliers which is search engine data for content sites, affiliate programs for sales sites and then after one-time promotions, my #1 strategy which I have found to be the most effective method of getting traffic to new sites as well as old is submitting articles with a short promotional blurb in a resource box at the end of the article.

There are many avenues to get your articles distributed. You can posting articles at or, Associated Content and SearchWarp all good places to submit. You can also use services like or and pay to have your articles distributed. Another way to distribute is to use software like Article Submitter Pro or Article Post Robot.

There is nothing wrong with any of these techniques. I have used them all successfully. But there is a much, much more powerful method of article marketing that most marketers miss- ezine and newsletter marketing.

First I want you to get a grip on the potential of article marketing and then I want you to get a grip on how small of a slice of the pie the above methods cover. Go to Google and type your one word topic followed by the word "article" and then followed by the word "articles". So if your topic is "golf", then search for: golf article, golf articles. Then repeat the above process using "ezine", "ezines", "newsletter" plus "newsletters". I want you to make a note of how many search results are returned for each of these -these are the results your competition is missing. Thousands of article marketers are all competing for the attention of just a tiny fraction of the total market for article distribution, while missing the important ezine and newsletter channel for distribution.

This is where ArticleROI can be a powerful tool in your arsenal - it submits to hundreds of built-in ezines and newsletters, and allow you to add an unlimited amount of your own, custom publishers.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Article marketing has the potential of changing your life forever. Nothing like starting out with a statement that can knock your socks off. I do believe this is true. I dismissed article marketing when I was first introduced to the idea. There were several aspects of it that I thought just did not make sense: the first of which was that you could take other articles and just change a few words and make them your own. I could see right away, that this type of thing would have no value.

The idea was presented to me again at a later point, and by now I had heard enough times what a great way it was to promote your business, and how inexpensive it was that I thought I would give it a try. I started by submitting 10 articles. All 10 of my articles were rejected, and had to be rewritten or fixed two or three times before I got them submitted: needless to say, this took considerable time and effort.

The funny thing was that this did not discourage me; it actually convinced me that article marketing was indeed a legitimate form of Internet marketing. Simply stated, if it took this much effort to get my article submitted to the top article directory, then the other articles being submitted had to be at least this good and more likely, better.

I guess what I am saying is that unlike what I had thought originally, articles could be a valuable resource for readers, therefore they were a legitimate source of information, meaning they would actually be read by people looking for information.

What I concluded from all of this is article marketing attracts a very real group of potential prospects to be targeted; therefore, if I was to master the skills and become an expert article marketer, I could build a very solid business and career online. This means you can too.

What if Dan Iverson could show you how to write about any topic on earth and make money? He'll teach you how to better understand human nature as it relates to e-commerce; how people, from their perspective, come to make a purchase on the Internet. I am talking about learning how you can pick a topic of interest, write about it, and with the right tools and a little research find connections between your readers and real products and services, of which you can become an affiliate and make money. Here is the best part. I will teach you all of this absolutely free. That's right, click on this link and you'll get the full Affiliate Masters Course Free. This is no joke, I promise once you start to read this course, you will see and learn the logical system of affiliate and information marketing. It will open your eyes to the greatest and most versatile opportunity in known history: the Internet. Even if you have a website, you can use these techniques.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

No matter what kind of article writer you are, finding new ideas for articles is always a challenge. Well, here are some resources to help you accelerate your topic research:

Authority sites

Think Entrepreneur for the business niche, About for all topics, and the Warrior forum for the Internet marketing niche! There's always authority sites, no matter what topic you are writing about. So go use that wonderful tool called Google to find these sites if you are writing about a totally new 'alien' topic.


Find some cool ideas from niche blogs and run with them. Respected authors and Internet gurus often post some informative content on their blogs. I'm not asking you to plagiarize their content, not at all! But find some ideas you can spin article topics out of.

Yahoo Answers

This is an absolutely great tool for finding out your target market's problems. Just imagine, people are asking questions to their problems here! They actually took the time to type out a question in this site because they want a solution fast. Take a look at what kind of burning questions are being asked and write articles on them. If you go through Yahoo Answers for just 15 minutes, I'd bet you can come up with half a dozen article ideas right there.

And of course the article directories themselves. How could we forget them? These directories are a goldmine for quality articles. Don't copy the topics, but perhaps find some ways to create your own article topics just by browsing through the categories.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Pointing to your website is essential to high rankings in the search engines. However, you must know how to link to your website properly to get the full benefits of linking. If you dont link properly, they could kill your marketing efforts.

Often times, many writers make the same mistakes. They typically try to send someone to their website directly from their article. WithIn the resource box, they provide a raw link with the URL of the website. Below is one of the biggest mistakes that an author can make:

If you enjoy shopping find out how you can get cash back from your online shopping. They typically put their complete URL with "www." here. Big mistake!

Most often, writers will use the same generic resource box in all or their articles, no matter the topic of their writing. Unfortunately, because they use this resource box, the wrong way, they get very few benefits from their writing efforts.

Writers must understand that in order to rank high in the search engines for a keyword phrase, the most important factor that will allow them to achieve their goal is having links from external websites using keyword phrases linking to the writer.

If hundreds of websites say that your site is talking about Shoes, even if the keyword shoes is not on your site, search engines will believe the majority. When a searcher enters shoes, search engines will for sure show your website. This has been proven numerous times, you can try it yourself:

Open and enter the following query: worst president without the quotes. Have a look at the #1 website (, the text worst president doesnt exist in the page at all!

This tactic is so powerful that if you spent enough efforts into it, you could redirect people looking for Wendys to the Mc Donalds website!

Its VERY EASY to create useful links. Take the example of someone promoting a website about shopping online.

1. The first thing to do, is to use this keyword phrase or some variations of this keyword phrase in the anchor text of your link. If youre not familiar with HTML, it is done like that: This HTML code creates a link like: Anchor Text

2. Then in the resource box, you have to use as many related terms as you can because search engines, especially Google, take the surrounding text into account.

Take a look at the resource box at www.freetrafficbuildingreport for this article, you will see with I mean. There are several links to the website using related keyword phrases. The surrounding text is also using related terms, even if they are not links, they will help the search engines and tell them what your website is talking about. Creating such resource boxes when you submit your articles to article directories will increase ten folds the benefits of your links.

Another important point is to use different resource boxes and different anchor texts each time you submit a new article. Dont waste your writing efforts because of a poor linking strategy! Use this tactic right now and be amazed by the results.

Dornessa Harris is an online mentoring coach and trainer who gives a Free Trafficing Building Report to any entrepreneur who desires more traffic. She has used many marketing techniques and tools to get to the top of the search engines.

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story because of the way your articles reach humans who have an interest in them. Article Marketing will help you increase your link popularity, search engine positioning for your keywords and phrases, and it helps you reach more potential customers for your products or services.

Article marketing can be your strongest ally in growing your ebusiness. Without burning your pockets, it can help draw qualified traffic to your website, help you earn the trust of your potential clients by showcasing your expertise on your chosen niche, augment the number of your backlinks so you can pull up your search engine ranking, and augment your sales potential and revenue.

Here are the 6 efficient ways to supercharge your article marketing:

1. Be an expert. You need to be a great source of information so you can easily make your articles content-rich, valuable, and useful to your readers. Thus, it would really help if you can constantly keep yourself abreast with the latest issues that are affecting your target niche by reading related materials either from online or offline sources.

2. Use attention-grabbing titles. The online competition in getting online users' attention cannot be stiffer these days. As such, you need to give your articles an edge so you can easily increase their chances of being noticed, opened, and read. This can easily be done by using interesting titles that can quickly catch the attention of online users.

3. Optimize. Your articles, no matter how informative and how well they were written, will be left unread if no one can find them online. Make them search engine-friendly so they can match relevant searches by sprinkling generous amount of keywords all throughout your content.

4. Pick the best topics for your articles. To easily attract interested people on your website or people who are most likely to buy your products and services, write about topics that are highly related to your offerings, target niche, and potential clients.

5. Brainstorm, do your research, and create an outline. Once you have chosen your topics, write down all the information that you would like to include in your content. Then, check reputable resources to check the accuracy of your information and obtain more data. Lastly, create an outline by arranging all the information that you have gathered in a logical manner so your articles will sound highly organized, coherent, and well-guided.

6. Never advertise on your content. If you want to minimize the chances of your articles being rejected by publishing sites, avoid inserting blatant ads or sales pitches on your articles. Instead, focus on giving your readers what they are truly looking for - valuable information.

Do you want to learn more about how I use article marketing to drive over 5194 unique visitors to my site each month?

Find out free here: article marketing traffic generation

Do you want to learn how I add over 1987 subscribers to my list each month? Discover my secret here: list building secrets

Do you want to learn how I generate over $15,347 online each month? Download this: Find out free here: How to Make 7 Figures Online

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,347 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Just what are the Benefits of Submitting Articles to E-Zines

E-zine advertising is perhaps one of the most underused forms of promotion. It is a good idea to do your homework, before launching your viral marketing campaign. Article writing and publishing has become the latest buzz in the internet website marketing world. The name of the game as far as Internet marketing

The question has been posed on the top online article submission site on the Internet. The number one article submission site on Planet Earth: "How many articles does it take to become perceived as being the market authority on a narrow or broad topic?"

This is an interesting question and perception is also a very interesting word as well. For one to be perceived as an expert in a subject matter they would most likely need enough articles to fill up a 50,000 word eBook. If their average article was 500 to 1,000 words then that would be between 50 to 100 well-written articles. Even if they cut them down to 300 to 400 word bite size articles on many various sub-topics we are still talking well over 100 articles you see.

If an online article author has fewer than 25 articles on a subject, it might be hard for a reader to perceive them as being a leading authority on a broad subject. Even a narrow topic they would need to be able to fill up a 10,000 to 20,000 word research paper and that would be about 20 to 40 articles. So, either way we are really looking at more than twenty articles before the reader's perception would be inclined to label you as an expert or leading authority from their perspective.

The fascinating thing about this subject is that it is indeed a reader preference call, meaning that there is no wrong or right absolute answer, so as the leading authority on online article authoring, I simply lead you with this thought to consider. You make the call.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Even if you are a beginner to affiliate marketing, it is possible for you to get started in five easy steps. Here they are:

Step #1 - Choose A Profitable Market

Choosing a profitable market is very important because you do not want to be in a market that cannot produce profit for you. A profitable market is a market, which has many potential customers and many products for affiliate marketers to promote.

Step #2 - Select A Good Product To Start

After you find which market is profitable, then you need to choose a good product to start. Do not start with many products; most affiliate beginners make this one critical mistake.

When one product starts producing sales, you can start with another. Focusing on one product at a time will produce better results for you in the long-term.

Step #3 - Create Follow-up Email Series

From the beginning, even before your visitors seeing your web site, you should create follow-up email series by using autoresponder service or software.

Follow-up email series are just a collection of emails, which are pre-written and pre-scheduled to send to your visitors if they have signed up with your subscription form. These follow-ups allow you more time to contact and build relationships with your visitors in the future.

Step #4 - Build A Professional Landing Page

A landing page is just a simple web page with a subscription form for visitors to sign up as your subscribers. After they sign up, they will start getting follow-up email series from you. Plus, you also have more chance to send email promotions to them.

Step #5 - Generate Massive Web Traffic To Your Landing Page

There are many ways to generate web traffic to your web site, here are some of them: article marketing, pay-per-click search engine, market-related forum, blog commenting, yahoo answer, etc. Try to experience with the above techniques one-by-one. After some times, you will know which method brings the best traffic for you.


Even you are a beginner to affiliate marketing business, you can get started in just five simple steps: choose a profitable market, select a good product, create follow-up email series, build a landing page, and drive massive traffic to your landing page. After you start seeing sales from this one product, you can start adding more products to your list. Remember, it takes time and efforts before you master these basic steps.

Visit Darin Lorn's Affiliate Marketing for Beginners web site at where you can learn more about internet marketing tips secrets and resources on how to make online profit from your home based business.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Wow! Talk about a marketing challenge... A weak economy. People in a wait-and-see mode. Bad news on the financial scene every day. The consequence? Prospects are reluctant to make a decision. They're hesitant to spend much money or make any kind of long-term (or short-term, for that matter) commitment.

So as sales professionals, we become persistent. After all, persistence pays off, right? Except after a while, our persistence feels like pestering (both to us and to them). Then we work on our powers of persuasion. But it seems that no matter how persuasive we are, people still balk; they hesitate to take action. Finally, as our frustrations rise, we resort to "closing techniques". We become assertive (contrary to our nature). But all to no avail. We only succeed at annoying or even alienating our prospective clients.

OK. So if none of these approaches work, then what will? How can you get people to take action? Before I answer that, we need to understand why those things don't work.

Although each of us is different, most of us have similarities in the way we react to things and situations. Because of that, I often suggest people use their own experience as their best example. Doing that allows us to put ourselves in our prospect's shoes. It's not that hard to do. It's not that hard because you are already someone's prospect! Just as you want to reach out to, market to, and sell to people, others want to reach out to, market to, and sell to you.

My suggestion for this exercise is to step out of the role of a "salesperson", plop yourself down (figuratively) on your couch, and answer a phone call from someone wanting to sell you something. Not from a telemarketer, but from a professional just like you. And let's say that they want you to spend or invest $2,000 in their solution. Or maybe $200/month so it's less painful. Here are my questions to you: If you really liked and wanted their solution, but were uncertain about your financial future, would you make the purchase or would you hold off making a decision? Unless it was truly an urgent matter, my guess is you'd probably wait. Would persistence by the salesperson change your mind? Not likely. Would better powers of persuasion cause you to change your mind? Maybe, if the reasons were compelling enough. Could closing techniques and/or assertiveness make the difference? Well, they may cause us to put up a wall to the salesperson, but in all likelihood would not cause us to take action.

No. The marketing strategies we've discussed just won't work in a tough economy. However, there is an approach that will work in a tough economy (and a strong economy as well). The most effective marketing strategy is relationship building.

Written by Michael Beck, Executive Coach and Trainer. He can be reached at 866-385-8751 or

Get your free program on "Power Recruiting & Prospecting" at:

Permission to reprint with full attribution. 2008 Exceptional Leadership, Inc.

Just what are the Benefits of Submitting Articles to E-Zines

E-zine advertising is perhaps one of the most underused forms of promotion. It is a good idea to do your homework, before launching your viral marketing campaign. Article writing and publishing has become the latest buzz in the internet website marketing world. The name of the game as far as Internet marketing

SEO and positioning your website to rank top spots in the search engines require some careful planning. Just like setting up a business or going to war, it requires strategizing for optimal results. Diving straight into the internet without any clear game plan is time-wasting, dangerous and more often than not, a futile attempt to rank any website for maximum targeted traffic. Lets dwell a little deeper into some useful SEO and positioning tips to get your web pages indexed and ranking faster.

1. SEO and Positioning Tip 1 Determine Your Objective

What is your objective in optimizing your website? Is it for maximum general traffic or targeted niche traffic? Once again, webmasters are unable to get this part clear. Many think that driving as much traffic as possible to their websites is the way to go. Unfortunately, this is a big pitfall. A web site may attract loads of traffic but yet dont perform as well as another with little traffic but making more sales. Know what your objective is, to sell more products or to get more people to visit your website. If you are building an interest-based website or hobby website, perhaps getting maximum general traffic is the right solution for you.

2. SEO and Positioning Tip 2 Plan Your Keywords Right

This is applicable for all websites that intend to tap into free organic traffic. By that, I mean SEO and positioning high in search engines for specific keywords. One clue for you before you compile your keyword list is to understand that search engines rank individual web pages, not websites. The systematic way to do it is to first look at your objective of SEO and positioning. If you are targeting a niche market, for example SEO tools, target the niche keyword SEO tools for your home page, and drill into this main keyword for related keywords such as SEO Elite, effective SEO tools, etc to target for each internal web page.

Dont make the mistake like many webmasters do in targeting one main keyword for the entire website. The smart approach to SEO and positioning is to target a list of low competition, moderate demand keywords and rank well for them. This would potentially drive more targeted traffic, than to blindly hit at one main keyword.

3. SEO and Positioning Tip 3 Simple Well-Thought On-page Optimization

Use your keywords in the meta-tags, web page title, sub-headers and web content. Make your web content unique. A keyword density of 1-3% and word count of more than 400 words is ideal for on-page optimization. Create a sitemap page to make search engines spiders love your web pages. This helps in indexing the internal pages fast.

4. SEO and Positioning Tip 4 Effective Off-page Optimization Techniques

Building link popularity of a website is far more crucial than any other factors for SEO and positioning for top search engine ranking. But pay attention to who your link partners are. Trade links with websites in a similar niche, and high Google PR if possible. Links from authority websites such as educational or government websites, ie domain names with .edu or .gov extensions are valuable. Buying links from link partners is perfectly fine if you can verify the quality of the websites. Search engines nowadays can be quite demanding and look for quality more than quantity of links.

5. SEO and Positioning Tip 5 Using Search Engine Optimization Tools

Webmasters used to do everything traditionally from on-page optimization to off-page optimization such as emailing fellow webmasters to exchange links. Technology and software development has made it much easier for SEO and positioning websites using search engine optimization tools. These smart tools are designed to automate all manual tasks necessary to grab a top search engine ranking for a website fast. Almost every webmaster has one or two of these in their arsenal as they are big time and money savers.

Feel free to drop by at my blog to read more about search engine optimization tools and grab a free ebook worth more than $97 packed with detailed SEO tips and techniques to help your SEO efforts. This article may be freely reprinted or distributed in its entirety in any ezine, newsletter, blog or website. The author's name, bio and website links must remain intact and be included with every reproduction.

Davion is a successful webmaster and author. Learn proven SEO tips and tricks, read reviews of SEO and link popularity tools like SEO Elite, Arelis, etc and find out how these tools can automate link building, boost traffic and ranking at

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Google is very strict with AdSense and adheres closely to the terms of service, because the sister program, AdWords, is its highest revenue source. If Google even suspects you're doing something against their rules, your account can be shutdown forever. If that's already happened to you, let me give you some alternatives for monetizing your Internet marketing website.

1) Get an account with another contextual advertiser.

AdSense isn't the only company producing contextual ads, though it's certainly the biggest. Yet, companies like Bidvertiser and OpenTracker offer the same type deal. You publish ads related to your site, and they give you money each time someone clicks on an ad.

2) Sign up with an image ads company

Image ads are just as easy to use as contextual ads. Chitika is probably the biggest company, but you can try other services, like Affiliate Power Ads or Auction Ads. They're supposed to follow the theme of your site, but you have to be careful. If you're in the Internet marketing niche, and writing about list building, be sure the service isn't putting building supplies on your website. But here's the catch with these: You only get paid when someone actually buys a product, not when someone clicks on an ad.

3) Use affiliate advertising materials

If you use a web service that you like, or maybe software you'd recommend, see if they have an affiliate program. Then, see if the company has any advertising materials available. It's easy to throw a button or a banner up on your site. It's always best when advertisers house the images on their sites. It saves you disk space and trouble. If they don't, you'll have to upload the image to your own and probably do your own HTML linking. If you're unfamiliar with that, just make sure the advertiser just gives you a snip of code and you're on your way.

4) PPA could be the answer

PPA or pay-per-action is another form of advertising that pays you when someone takes action on an offer. For example, you sign up with Hydra Network, and there is a list of campaigns that you can choose from. You grab a banner or button, and providing it's allowed (because some campaigns are email only), put it up on your website. When someone clicks on that ad and takes action, as in filling out a survey, applying for a credit card, or accepting a free offer, you are paid.

5) Write reviews

Why not write reviews of products you've used and would be happy to recommend to others? Word of mouth is very powerful advertising. Perhaps you like your web host or maybe you read a really great ebook and want to share it. Write a review and put it on your blog. Or, write an article that reviews the product or service, and in your resource box, give people your affiliate link. Check out the websites of products and services you're considering reviewing and see if they have affiliate programs, first.

These are just a few suggestions. There are many ways to monetize your website or blog in the Internet marketing space. You just have to test offers from different places to see what works best for you.

As CEO of OvercomeEverything, Inc., Tellman Knudson has become a list building and Internet marketing ninja. Become a member of his list building club, free for 30 days, get a great list building CD delivered to your front door, and a one-hour consultation with an Overcome Everything list building expert--all free, when you visit

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Everyone who has been a webmaster for some time or has read about it probably already knows that getting one way links to your web site is the single most important step in boosting your site up in search engines results pages (SERPs). Search engines just love these type of links, as they see them as votes to your page. If many people are voting to you by adding links to your site, than you must be some kind of an expert in your niche, and that is why Google and other search engines rank you higher in SERPs. They love experts, they love to give knowledge to people who are searching for information.

That said, you must ask yourself what is the best way to get bunch of one way links? Well the answer is writing articles. That is right, write articles about whatever you are expert on. And you do not need to be an expert to write articles, you just have to put some value in your article, to interest the readers, and there you have it, you have their attention, they believe you, and they will trust you when you tell them how to fix their problem, or give them great advice.

So, first, you have to find some niche that suits you best, something that you are good at, something that you like, maybe a hobby, or maybe something that you are familiar with. It is not difficult, just ask yourself what can you offer to help others. Be sure to include a link somewhere in a body of an article, and the anchor text (link text) should be main keyword phrase of your page.

Next thing you need to do is find article directories and lots of them. Just Google it. I am not going to tell you what are the best article directories, as you probably know, since you are reading this article. Create accounts and submit your articles. And thats it. Now you need to wait and see the results. And the results are great, I can tell you. For submitting your articles in article directories, you will get links from directories, and that is already very good for SEO. But the real power is in article distribution, and the variety of websites that are linking to you. So, for doing a fifteen minutes writing, you can get thousands of one way links, the best kind. It just can't get better than that!

For more link building strategies, visit my link building tips blog.

Stamler Sikorsky is an expert in link building tips and tricks, link building strategies and techniques. He is running a link building tips blog, where you can find some great info and resources for making your online business better.