Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Online marketing starts with your website

Internet marketing allows you to reach a global audience. Internet marketing is marketing your business online. Online marketing starts with your website; make sure it???s attractive and easy to use. When they need information, modern-day consumers turn first to the Internet. All of your online marketing will make sure they will find

Article marketing and doing business on the internet is one of the most effective ways of spreading the word about your product or company. From selling affiliate products to advertising services as a tax consultant, writing and marketing informative articles is the absolute best way to increase both traffic to your site and, of course, your sales margin.

The following useful tips will help you be on your way to spreading the word about your business or product, and also give yourself a distinct edge over the numerous competition.

Consider Your Audience

Marketing your articles requires a bit of planning first, beginning with taking into consideration who your audience is and what type of voice or tone will appeal to them most. A casual, conversational voice is appropriate for websites targeting parents looking for childcare related products, while a more fact-oriented, business-like tone would be more effective for a site geared toward someone interested in purchasing stocks or investments.

Research and Fact Checking

Regardless of to whom you are trying to appeal, it's imperative to get your facts straight. Take the time to do the research needed to produce an article that keeps people interested, and also assured that what they're getting is information they can fully rely upon. This doesn't mean you have to spend the next week in the library poring through material to create one 500-word piece about your affiliate product, but it does mean you should back up your article with statistics or some type of study that proves what you're saying is truthful.

Stay Focused

Both the casual reader and the average fact seeker are looking for accurate content they can quickly ingest without weeding through useless ramblings having nothing to do with what brought them to the article in the first place. While some background information on the subject at hand is perfectly acceptable, and actually necessary, it's important to be concise with your articles, keeping everything related to what you're marketing.

Shorter paragraphs and subheadings or outlines will also make it easer for the reader to digest the content of your article, scanning it for the information they're looking for and, hopefully, leading them to your website.

Offer Something Useful

When marketing your article, there's a fine line between an informative piece and a sales pitch. Although you are in fact trying to drive traffic to your site and purchase your product or service that you know is the best, you want to do so in such a way that it doesn't actually sound like an infomercial.

If you're merely looking for a simple advertisement instead of providing useful information while increasing sales at the same time, save yourself the trouble and purchase a banner ad, which can be placed on a site with a link back to your own, rather than submitting articles that may end up being rejected by article directories for being too sales-oriented.

Keeping the word "article" in mind, rather than "advertisement," will also offer a bit of reassurance that your own articles will be accepted by whatever type of article marketing directory you choose.

Are you a freelance writer who is tired of others profiting from your hard work and effort? Do you want to maximize your online income and secure financial freedom for you and your family? Now you can! Combine your writing talents with the power of Internet Marketing and watch your income soar! Visit http://www.internetmarketingwriter.com and join the new revolution of financially secure and joyous freelance writers.

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story because of the way your articles reach humans who have an interest in them. Article Marketing will help you increase your link popularity, search engine positioning for your keywords and phrases, and it helps you reach more potential customers for your products or services.

Companies are having to think out new marketing strategies in the modern era of the Internet. The way data is collected and analysed is also changing.

There are two general categories of market research information, as discussed here.

Primary data

This is data collected by the firm itself. Its purpose is to investigate a particular issue or solve a specific problem. The way the data is gathered might be by survey, or by observation, or even by an experiment.

With the Internet this information can be collected in new ways. Surveys can now be carried out online, and there are companies who help to create surveys and link them to hosting websites.

Primary data collected in this way can be either quantitative or qualitative.

Quantitative data comes from structured questions which the respondent replies to by giving a reply, for example, from 1 to 5. With these type of responses the data can be used to come up with percentages, averages and similar statistics. Survey creation websites enable users to create their own online surveys - a service that generates and tabulates quantitative data. The data can be viewed via the service provider's website to give instant, real-time analysis of the responses. This makes it a great tool with fast, useable data. Remember high street, mailed or telephone surveys? They just can't compete in terms of speed of response!

Qualitative data differs in that it tends towards longer answers and discussions. These come from open-ended questions which may, for example, be asked in focus groups. Companies use data within discussion groups to formulate their qualitative survey data. Focus groups can be exactly that - groups that focus and concentrate one aspect of the company's services or products.

Secondary data

This is data which has been collected by other organisations. Simple examples of secondary data are information that can be found in a library, or data accessible on databases on the Internet. There are a wide variety of types of secondary data which firms can use to analyse their customers and their competitors.

One example of secondary data is demographic data. Basically, demographics are the characteristics of a pre-defined population. Examples of these characteristics include sex, age, income, occupation, education and household size. These demographic dimensions of the general population are analysed by marketing specialists to group potential customers that are most likely to benefit from their product-line. This kind of data and analysis enables companies to better target their own markets and not waste marketing effort and material on people who would never be interested in their products or services.

Periodical articles are another great source of data, giving information on products, marketing, and different industries. Periodicals can be any magazines, journals or newspapers. Studying these can give you clues as to things like how your particular industry been making the news. You can discover which brand names are succeeding and you might be able to work out why. You might also be able to see what new marketing tactics have been put into use by your competitors. It is worth studying periodicals for your industry to see what the outlook is like for the future. All this is very useful data for marketing.

The traditional marketing mix is product, place, promotion, price. The Internet is certainly changing place, if not the others.

On the Internet there are a great deal of worthwhile marketing-related sites that will help you with your marketing push. There are a number of companies who can help you with the kind of data you need - both primary and secondary data and a mix of the two. This helps you to target your marketing effort and thereby save money.

As with periodicals, study websites giving news about your industry. What clues are there as to what other companies are doing? Look at the websites of your customers. What is the look and feel of the successful brands? What marketing tactics can you see that they are using? Which ones appear to work?

There are a lot of marketing opportunities on the new world of the Internet. Here are a few examples:

* Partnerships
* Affiliate marketing
* Website links
* Forums
* Networking websites

The last one is particularly interesting. The boom of social networking websites such as MySpace and Facebook is causing companies to have serious strategic re-thinks. Where they might previously have banned their employees from going on such sites, many now encourage it so that the company name, brand names, product or service type gets to be well-known. There are also a number of networking sites more aligned to business activity - such as Ecademy and LinkedIn. However, one problem with those is that they are full of people who are selling and not overloaded with people who are buying. Social networking sites may just have more buyers, but targeting is not easy when you're in such a populated Internet world!

Madusha Emeka Writes freelance articles. He owns and manages http://six-bucks.net/reviews/

Online marketing starts with your website

Internet marketing allows you to reach a global audience. Internet marketing is marketing your business online. Online marketing starts with your website; make sure it???s attractive and easy to use. When they need information, modern-day consumers turn first to the Internet. All of your online marketing will make sure they will find

Q: How do you write an article that makes the reader feel like they must have what you are offering?

A: Simply stated, customers like to do business (spend money) with people they know, like and trust.

Think about the offline merchants you visit on a regular basis. If you are like me, you prefer to deal with merchants that you know, like and trust, and with whom you have a relationship.

The know like and trust factor is even more important online when you are not interacting face to face.

I've been writing and marketing articles since 1994. That's the year I began to write a weekly relationship column for the local newspaper in Tallahassee, Florida. I was a full time marriage and family therapist in private practice at the time. This is when I first discovered the power of know, like and trust.

New clients would call me up and say either on the phone or when we met for the first time -

"I feel like I already know and like you."

This was a direct result of reading my articles each week in the newspaper.

How to do it

1. Write like you talk - Leave the academic language for the professional journals. Write in a conversational style. Write like you talk.

2. Share a bit about you - Do not make the article about you. Do use quick personal stories or examples to make a point.

3. Do what you say you are going to do - Trust is developed when you do what you say you are going to do. Always deliver what you say you are going to deliver in your article title and description.

Use these tips when writing your articles and watch your new and long term customers increase.

And with your permission, I'd like to offer you free access to two of my Article Writing Templates. You can download them by going to http://www.TheArticleGuy.com/bonustemplates.htm

Would you like to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit http://www.TheArticleGuyTeleSeminars.com to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy and GreatArticleWriting.com

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

The very first Internet marketing technique I learned when I started online in early 2006 was article marketing. At first, I didn't really believe this would work and I didn't take action.

I bought a cheap ebook called secret affiliate weapon and I read the material. One of the pdfs was about article marketing and was called lazy traffic. I read and didn't take action like most of the people online. After a while, I got a coach and he taught us affiliate marketing. I was stuck because he was teaching us the exact same tactics and strategies I learned before.

Since we had daily assignments, I was forced to write those articles because one of the condition of this coaching program was to do the tasks in time. If you failed, you could be dropped from the program.

I submitted article manually for the first time to ezinearticles, goarticles, article city, article dashboard and a couple of other directories. I can tell you that I was typing and submitting like crazy. I didn't have money in my early beginning and I couldn't hire a ghostwriter or even use a submission software. I needed to do the work alone.

I forget to say that I was enrolled in the program by submitting articles. The entrance fee was $197 a pop, and although I had a burning desire to enroll in this mentoring course, I didn't have the money at the time.

Happily, there was an alternative option for marketers on a budget. All I had to was to submit forty articles with the mentor's resource box at the end. I was so happy! I wrote those 40 articles on the fly. It was my very first batch of articles, and I must admit that grammar and punctuation was bad. But I have no choice, I took action and submitted the articles.

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Visit http://www.mynetmarketingland.com/article-marketing/ now!

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story because of the way your articles reach humans who have an interest in them. Article Marketing will help you increase your link popularity, search engine positioning for your keywords and phrases, and it helps you reach more potential customers for your products or services.

Article marketing is actually one of my favorite ways to reach three different (although possibly overlapping groups of people: 1) people who exist in competitive markets where the cost of advertising is high 2) niche customers who are hard to pin down and find and 3) people who are buyers, not search engine-aholics.

Why does article marketing work so well for all these groups?

I think it is because all of these groups are so difficult to reach through the traditional mediums and yet with article marketing every article is the same. That is, controlling for things like strength of the title, and the article directory or web site to which you submit the article, all articles are equal.

And one of the things that keeps the market so open is that it cannot be reasonably automated you cannot create a machine to do the article writing for you. And because of this, and because most people seem to want to automate things it is easier and easier to stand out if you are article marketing at least that is my opinion.

One of the best ways to target a specific group of people like business decision makers is to write articles that are specifically targeted to the types of topics that would appeal to business decision makers.

So the first step would be to brainstorm, what types of articles would be of interest to business decision makers? Once you have that, info, the rest is a piece of cake write the articles, and the traffic will come. Remember, article marketing produces some of the highest quality leads around.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 900 articles in print and 9 published ebooks.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

This is the first of a two-part article on overfilling your marketing funnel and client pipeline.

In order to insure that your pipeline doesn't dry up as existing clients take vacations or move on, you want to overfill your marketing funnel in order to create a waiting list of people who want to work with you.

Before we discuss which strategies should have a prominent place in your marketing action plan, you'll want to have a few items in your marketing toolkit:

1. Write out your USP.

Your Unique Selling Proposition tells prospects what makes you different. Why should they hire you as opposed to Joe? What can you bring to the relationship that is different than what Mary brings? YOU need to know what your USP is in order to successfully market your business -- it's a cornerstone of your brand.

Dominos pizza guarantees delivery in 30 minutes or it's free. McDonald's food is fast (you don't go there for "good". . .you go for "fast"). What do you do?

2. Write and memorize your elevator speech.

Whether you work from home or in an office, you want to have an effective elevator speech ready. Remember that you only have a few seconds to capture my attention, what do you need me to know? What results do you provide your clients? Chances are, it's not your company name and title!

3. Create an attractive website.

Your website needs to be "attractive" -- not pretty in the usual sense, but attractive to the prospects that you want to attract. Your home page must touch on a problem that your target audience has and how you can resolve that problem.

I don't care how long you've been in business if you can solve my problem -- whatever my problem may be. Your prospects feel the same.

4. Have attractive business cards.

If you attend networking events of any type, you need to have a business card. See number 3 above -- your business card needs to be attractive to the person you want to hand it to. You should write your USP on the card, list your tagline, or otherwise "speak" to your prospects via your card so when they are flipping through the cards a month after the event, they'll remember you.

Cards have a back side, use it to offer a no-cost report (this is the best option if you have a newsletter) or list a client testimonial. I use Overnight Prints for all my business and postcard needs and love them!

5. Come from a "full practice" mentality.

This last one is perhaps the most important. You want to insure that you do not come across as "lacking" or "needy" to your prospective clients.

The Law of Attraction shows us that we attract that which we think about most. What are you thinking about?

I keep my marketing funnel full by insuring that I perform at least one marketing-related activity every single day. Next week, I'll share a list of the top strategies for filling your funnel AND your pipeline -- no matter your business!

The Get Control of Your Business Now! (tm) Coach, Sandra Martini teaches small business owners how to create more success in their business while enjoying more freedom from their business. Sandra's coaching programs are available via teleconferencing, emails and telephone calls. For more information and to receive the FREE special report, "7 Wealth-Building Secrets of Successful Entrepreneurs," go to http://www.SandraMartini.com

Learn how REAL people made a success of their small businesses and now live the lives of their dreams at http://www.PowerAndSoul.com

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

For those of you who are having trouble making your first affiliate commissions online, selling your products, services or whatever it that drives your income...you absolutely NEED to start using the article marketing protocol in your business.

Simply stated, there is no better, faster, and long term investment you can make in your business than writing articles and submitting them to directories around the web.

Why? Well - articles serve several different money making masters. One, they provide valuable back links to your website, or if you do consulting work like myself - to your client's websites. Incoming links are a huge part of organic SEO - I would argue the single, solitary most important factor, as the more places that link to you, the better your content appears to be to the search engines.

Of course lots of off site content further establishes your brand, your name and quite simply, as reputation management evolves to be a simple mouse click away, you NEED to have good content out there attached to your name if you want to be taken seriously as a viable entrepreneur.

Lastly - you have to remember that articles can be re-written, and repurposed. I am a huge believer in the idea of unique and quality content, so I will rarely use the same article that I submit to a directory, on my niche site as well. But I can rewrite that very same article quickly - changing up 33-50 percent of it up, and then placing that very same content on my domain as well.

Now - this very same content is serving me in three unique ways - ON site optimization, OFF site optimization through the use of keyword rich incoming links, as well as reputation management of my own name and "brand" - as even you, right now, are becoming introduced to my work and writing through that exact process.

It's free, it works...and if you aren't doing it, you are losing out to people like me who are..;-)

Want to see how we make money online?

FREE Article Marketing Strategies revealed so much fun & effortlessly easy, it almost feels like stealing!

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story because of the way your articles reach humans who have an interest in them. Article Marketing will help you increase your link popularity, search engine positioning for your keywords and phrases, and it helps you reach more potential customers for your products or services.

Internet marketing is quite simply marketing that is done using the internet. Marketing refers to the promotion and advertisement of goods and services. It includes all the commercial aspects of transferring goods and services to a customer. Internet market usually includes advertising websites and products ordered over the internet, but internet marketing can also be used to promote offline businesses.

The most major part of internet marketing is probably the attempt at getting web traffic to a certain website. Traffic generally refers to the amount of hits and visitors a website receives. Traffic is also measured in quality based mostly on how targeted the potential customers are to the product. For example, a website about fishing that sells fishing poles would want a fisher to visit more than someone who does not fish.

There are many ways to generate traffic. Internet businesses can pay money to get traffic to their website using methods such as banner advertisements and pay-per-click campaigns. Other common methods of traffic generation include viral marketing and posting about your website on other websites.

In addition to traffic, internet marketing also includes other aspects associated with getting the most customers to buy whatever the business is offering. These other aspects commonly include the effectiveness of the sales-pitch, the product, the website, and the customer service. The important parts of marketing differ from business to business, depending on what they are selling and to whom they are selling it.

Improving your internet marketing efforts will require that you analyze log files and tracking data. To do that, you must first install software on your website to record, log, and organize server data. This information will give you important statistics, such as how many people come to your website, which pages they visit, and how long they stay. You can use the information to compare the results of different campaigns. You can also use the information to find conversion rates. Once you find out when, where, and why some of your website visitors leave or do not leave your website, you can use that information to make changes that will help you get them to do what you want.

Internet marketers have to keep in mind certain concerns. For one, they have to worry about cost. The cost needs to be less than the revenue it generates, or else the internet marketing campaign will not be profitable. Another concern is traffic overload. If a website gets more traffic than it is used to getting, then it may overload the servers. That can make the servers slow or cause them to crash all-together. It's recommended that marketers continually ensure that their servers can handle the traffic. A big marketing campaign can turn into a waste if the servers crash due to unusually high amounts of traffic.

When internet marketing, it is usually helpful to test and analyze. For example, testing different marketing campaigns will allow you to compare their cost-effectiveness. Also, testing how much of your computer resources are used in a marketing campaign will help you find out if they can handle a bigger campaign.

Jonathan Hook offers more marketing hints, tip and tricks at http://www.themarketersmind.com

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

What is a Web Directory?

The definition of a web directory is a website that adds websites to there pages and categorises them on the site by category..

A directory in function is similar in nature to a search engine...

The importance of web directories online is that they are an important part of more exposure to your site and also they can help you get listed in search engines quicker as well. In which is the first most important step in getting your site seen online.And search engines help there.

For browsers online who are for looking for particular types of websites or products online rather than going through a search engine they browse a directory in the category of the product they want. If you website is seen then a targeted visitor is coming to your product website or service for that web category.

A directory is not a search engine though it can be a niche set of websites that create it or a general web version sorted by category. Paid submissions generally give better position in search results meaning more traffic.

Seo web directories are the best type because the search engines will see your site when their robots come around and include you in there search results.

A list of benefits of include -

  • More exposure to your site

  • Search engines will see your site quicker

  • More traffic meaning more sales

    In conclusion they are an important part of getting your site seen online. I hope this helps people that are new to the net.

For more info on these or to submit to some, please see these seo directories below:

Buyers Web Directory
Crikey web Directory
Happy days web Directory

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Article marketing remains to be the most popular and easiest way to earn inbound links for your website. Now, there is no need to launch linking campaigns or resort to link farms just to get higher page ranking. You can just write and submit useful and informative articles and you will surely dominate the online arena.

Here are the 4 fresh ways to jumpstart your article marketing:

1. Kick-start your articles with striking titles. Grabbing the attention of online users can be relatively easy if you know how to create titles that are interesting and thought-provoking. Your titles must contain powerful words that can easily compel online users to open and read your content and they must also be able to communicate the benefits that your article can offer to your readers. When people know what they would get in exchange of investing their precious time reading your articles, they will be most likely to open and read your content.

2. Your articles must be publisher-friendly. This is to increase their chances of being posted online. They must be well-written, run at least 300 words, and they must be content-rich. In addition, they must be free from sales pitches, hyperlinks, and inappropriate content.

3. Your articles must be search engine-friendly. Search engines are still the best sources of traffic. Thus, it is of outmost importance that you know how to please them. Download a free keyword suggestion tool to figure out the most searched keywords that are being used by your target market. Create your articles around these keywords.

4. Keep your articles short. Researches and studies show that people do prefer reading short articles as they are usually easy on the eyes and offer straightforward information.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Just what are the Benefits of Submitting Articles to E-Zines

E-zine advertising is perhaps one of the most underused forms of promotion. It is a good idea to do your homework, before launching your viral marketing campaign. Article writing and publishing has become the latest buzz in the internet website marketing world. The name of the game as far as Internet marketing

What probably happens--and I don't keep good track of it, I'm getting enough subscribers in, I focus on writing these new articles over focusing on every individual statistic. My conversion rate when somebody clicks through--if it's been an Article-Marketing article--is probably twenty-five percent, if I've used that Bio and I wrote an article on Article-Marketing. If I wrote an article on List-Building and used the same Bio, I'd probably only get a five-percent opt-in rate. On average, I'm at around ten-percent. If I write on traffic-building, and then I have an Article-Marketing link, I probably only averaging five-percent.

If I were to go in and write original Bio's for every single one, that opt-in rate would be higher. If you're only writing one or two articles per day, you really need to be writing original Bio's for each and every one. Until you find something that really works well for you, at least have that Bio--make it congruent with the article itself. In my case, writing fifteen or twenty articles in a day--frankly, a lot of times after writing that many articles I just don't have the creative juice to write fresh Bio's. Especially when I know that I've got a good one that works.

Number four, you're going to take these articles and you're going to submit them to the article-directories. To find a list, go to Google and type in: "Article-directories." You'll get tons of lists.

Those are really the four steps to article marketing. If I were writing this about web business using article marketing, then the fifth thing would be, build a list instead of sending people to a Squeeze-Page. The sixth thing would be, build a relationship with that list. The seventh thing would be to create your own products, and to sell those products that you create to your--sell those products to the people that are on your list. So those would be five, six and seven. List build, build relationships and then create your own products.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1400 articles in print and 10 published ebooks.

Just what are the Benefits of Submitting Articles to E-Zines

E-zine advertising is perhaps one of the most underused forms of promotion. It is a good idea to do your homework, before launching your viral marketing campaign. Article writing and publishing has become the latest buzz in the internet website marketing world. The name of the game as far as Internet marketing

This is article marketing. This article that you are reading right now. I write a 350 to 500 word article, post it in free article directories and content-starved webmasters come along and add this article to their website.

It's pretty simple really. You need to have something useful to say, some place to send the reader when they like what you have written, and a relevant list of article directories that will post your articles.

Why do it? Using the resource box at the bottom of each article I am able to send you, the reader, to someplace that should be of interest to you. This creates a link back to my website or webpage. It's a great thing for increasing popularity. Also, I get in front of more people than ever.

It turns out that a 350 word article is about the length of an informative email. There are a few tricks to writing the articles. And it's best to study those "tricks" so you can make the most of your article writing.

We now live in a time where we can write for the reader and still satisfy the search engine spiders (pieces of software sent by the search engines) who seek to understand just what the article is about. By understanding how the search engines look at articles we can write effectively and get noticed.

Look at the above title. Notice I put "article marketing" right at the beginning of the title. I am actually telling the search engine spiders what this article is all about. And its easy for you, the reader, to know what its about. See what I mean? Simple.

By taking the time to study Article Marketing and learning a few tricks of the trade, you can easily reach out and increase your popularity with the search engines, increase your visibility within your market and increase your credibility with the people who are getting to know you.

Article marketing is what I call one of "The Big Four of Internet Marketing." You have got to have it. And it's so simple to do. And it drives traffic to your website which increases your sales. It's a win on every front.

Robin M Powers makes it easy to get started making money on the Internet. For more information on article marketing, go to: http://www.StrikingGoldWithArticles.com/

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Achieving high ranking position on search engines is every online business and web site owner's dream. That is why, the search for the best and most effective marketing tool continues and is predicted not to stop anytime soon. Among the online marketing tools available today, it is very evident that more and more people are trusting article marketing. This is the reason why article submission sites continue to gain more popularity and they continue to grow in numbers.

Article marketing is one of the most cost effective marketing tool that is proven to get you quality links without the hassle of emailing webmasters and requesting for reciprocal linking. Every time you submit an article, you create a link to your site, and it can't get easier!

Article submission site gets heavy traffic and they continue to grow as their library of articles keeps growing. Submitting an article to these sites can get your web site the exposure it needs. You can also use these sites to directly advertise your products and services by using the resource box.

Article marketing lets your reach your target readers without the need to pay advertising fees or doing the tedious task of link building. Based on studies, using this strategy can pull up your ranking in as little as 15 days depending on the number of your submissions and their quality. So what are you waiting for? Take advantage of article writing and achieve higher page ranking on search engines!

Want to learn more about it? Download the free ebook, Steps to Article Marketing Success.

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Want to learn more about driving traffic like I do? Download my free traffic guide here: Traffic Generation

Just what are the Benefits of Submitting Articles to E-Zines

E-zine advertising is perhaps one of the most underused forms of promotion. It is a good idea to do your homework, before launching your viral marketing campaign. Article writing and publishing has become the latest buzz in the internet website marketing world. The name of the game as far as Internet marketing

I'm sure that most people will agree that trying to get a good amount of web traffic to a website can be difficult without the right knowledge. So the question at stake is, how does one obtain high rankings for their particular website and what does it entail. The answer is link building and good website optimization. Lets take a look below at the most common ways of building backlinks and other website SEO techniques that can help your website to obtain the ranking it deserves.

Link building methods:

1. Submission to directories: This is without a doubt the most effective and known method of building a high amount of backlinks to your website. The submission of your website to search engine friendly directories and related categories can increase the ranking of their website over time. It is very important to alternate up to 3 different titles and descriptions when upon submission of your website to directories for reasons related to SEO. It may take a while for submissions to be approved but this link building method is essential.

2. Submission to article directories: Going about writing quality articles with good content and submitting them to high traffic article directories, it can help you obtain adequate amounts of traffic from the search engines and also help build quality backlinks. Be sure to include a link to your website in the resource box making use of anchor text for a competitive keyword in your niche. You may even find that if other websites in your niche find your article, they might just publish it on their website thereby giving you even more exposure and traffic.

3. Forum and Blog posting: These two types of buildinglinks can also be effective but the majority of people just end up spamming particular forums and blogs for the sole purpose of trying to aquire highly targeted traffic. With this being said, don't waste your time submitting commercial based websites in your posts as you will probably get banned. However if you have a blog that advertises a link to a product or service then it will probably be okay, and in that case can effectively help the ranking of your website after time as long as the post is on a forum related to your niche.

4. Link exchanges: Contacting other websites in your niche is also an absolute must which will once again get you good quality backlinks, which can at the end of the day be more worth while than doing a couple of hundred submissions to directories . Take a look around at the many SEO forums which have link exchange rooms and post a quick message. Most times there is usually always a person willing to exchange links.

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