Friday, June 27, 2008

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

In today's realm of online information-gathering and dissemination, many observers say that the best way of obtaining quality inbound links is through generating a lot of high-value content that people would like to link to.

You gather inbound links when other online publishers and Web masters link to your website, or one of your pages. The larger the number of links that you can get, the better it would be for your web site and the better you are likely to rank in the search engine rankings.

Inbound links may create wonders for your page, as not only will they get you targeted traffic from the Web sites linking to you, as even search engines attach higher importance to websites that are being linked to by other websites. This serves as sort of a vote of confidence for your content. The process of generating content for the sake of getting inbound links is generally referred to "link baiting".

Link baiting Is A Relatively New Concept in Obtaining Inbound Links

As mentioned earlier, link baiting is the method of generating content for the purpose of getting inbound links. However, does this method mean that you generate content just to obtain inbound links?

Actually everything works in tandem and although link baiting is a relatively new term, the concept has been present for more than a decade, although it initially existed in a crooked form. In the same manner as link-exchange programs, it was the same thing but back then, where they used to exchange links indiscriminately. Unlike before, nobody was worried about the link value provided, just so long as a reciprocal link was gained, so people welcomed almost every sort of link.

As the initial system created havoc online, search engines eventually began to stop ignoring link exchange activities and considered only those links that were linked to high-value content. This created the need for unique link-worthy content. The quality of content not only adds value to your Web site and enhance your conversion rate, it also encourages the others to link to your web pages. This linking, which originated out of the value of your content, in effect will greatly improve your search engine rankings.

The Different Types Of Link baiting

Link baiting is basically considered as building links with a twist. Rather than go hunting out links, you in the process, are bringing the links to you through unique and popular site content. In simple terms, experts con sider link Baiting is just like fishing.

As you publish a new page on a topic and release it on the web, you are hopeful that others pick up on the content and see it as fresh and interesting, and link to it. The article is the bait, and the link is the catch. A creatively written and interesting Web page can capture huge links on its own with little to no effort from you. Here are the different link baiting types that writers and Web masters employ to generating good links.

- News Hook. A news hook is where you provide content that others don't have, but will want to link to. A specific example of a news hook is a "scoop" where you are the first, or one of the first, to report on some information of general or industry news.

- Attack Hook. This type of hook works much like a contrary hook, however takes things to a newer level. In this hook, you not only present a contrary point of view, but you also turn it into a personal attack on the original source.

- Contrary hook. This is employed when you contradict or counter something someone else says. Usually, you will start with a link back to the original story, which would be their link bait, and then present your contrary viewpoints.

- Humor Hook. A humor hook involves using humor to attract links. The humor can be in the form of a story, or it can also be a piece of satire or a list of funny items.

- Resource Hook. This hook provides useful information for others to link to. It can be a list of resources, a compilation of links to articles. Your resource can be a how to or tutorial based on your industry.

Link bait refers to the unique and interesting content that other sites naturally want to link to. The kind of link bait can be something original, or it may be one that is original in idea, something that is contrary, one that is humorous, or something that is useful. - SEO.xon - SEO Firm

Vanessa A. Doctor from Jump2Top - SEO Company

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Article submission software has totally revolutionized the traditional methods of submitting article manually. Article submission or what is fondly termed as article marketing plays a pivotal role in the overall website promotion strategy of any webmaster. If you are not submitting articles to promote your website today, then you are seriously missing out a huge chunk of targeted traffic eager to buy your products, or sign up for your affiliate programs or list. This article will put you on a walkthrough in the world of article marketing and how article submission software fits in like a glove with this traffic generating technique.

Articles are your posters to the internet world, announcing your web presence. People submit articles to communicate their thoughts and ideas or introduce readers to their websites. A well-written article would pull in unstoppable traffic, while a poorly written one drives visitors away. But the truth is, unless you get your article out to as many article directories as possible, it is no use even if you wrote an excellent informational article.

Article submission is not the right way, mass article submission is. The problem with mass submitting manually to article directories is it takes ages, and is hardly an enjoyable experience. You would go through endless logging into article directories, copying and pasting your article at each site. It could take at least several hours to one full day to submit to 100 article directories, without the help of article submission software. Ask the old-timers and they would share their agonizing experience with you. But it eventually would pay off as they know that articles when given enough exposure to more audience would draw lots of targeted traffic. Some established websites syndicate content from article directories and when your article gets picked up and published, this could mean an unceasing stream of traffic to your website.

Since there is a demand for article submission service and no one had come up with article submission software, smart business people, mostly internet marketers started article submission services such as iSnare, Article Marketer, etc to help webmasters submit their articles. Good article submission services that provide top-notch service to their customers are still around, while some shabby ones just come and go. No matter what, there is a setback in using these services, that is, the cost. Such services either charge you a flat rate for a fixed number of articles to be submitted, or a quarterly subscription with a limit to the number you can submit. It can range from a few dollars per article to over $100 to submit about 10 articles. Unless your article is guaranteed to attract enough traffic to be profitable, it could be a costly exercise.

The beauty of technology is its endless pursuit of improving the way we carry out our tasks. Developers have built many article submission software to help us webmasters to expedite the article submission process. Some article submission software have taken article marketing a step further with full automation, and even allows for modifications of your article content. Many webmasters have ditched manual submission or subscription to article submission services for these tools. The robustness of such software and its one-off price tag are the main reasons why they are so attractive. Learn more about article marketing at my blog and get the latest scoop about the top few article submission software in the market.

This article may be freely reprinted or distributed in its entirety in any ezine, newsletter, blog or website. The author's name, bio and website links must remain intact and be included with every reproduction.

Davion is a successful webmaster and author. Discover more about article marketing and read reviews of top article submission software such as Article Post Robot, Instant Article Submitter etc and find out how these tools can drive instant and continuous traffic to your website at

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Article marketing is the main way I generate leads to my autoresponder, I won't deny that. This is because from my testing, I have found that article marketing produces the most responsive leads. Can you benefit from this? You bet you can.

List building can be difficult for any marketer, especially the beginner marketer. But the main thing to understand is that list building is really tied in to traffic generation. If you can generate traffic to your sites, then building a big list is not a problem at all.

And article marketing is one of the best ways to drive responsive and highly targeted traffic to any website. You write short and lean information laden articles, then submit them to article directories like Ezine Articles. In your biography box, write a compelling bio about you and your business and link to your website.

Leads generated from article marketing are more responsive than from other sources because they have read your article and if they like the information you present, you have built somewhat of a relationship. This relationship can be furthered in your email marketing.

The fact is this, if someone reads an article and likes it, he will want to receive even more information from the author. This gives you a highly targeted lead.

But if you want to build huge lists using this method, then you must understand that volume is the key. You must submit a few articles a day for at least a few months to start seeing results. After a few months, with a few hundred articles, you will receive dozens of qualified leads every day.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

A new trend in the world of advertising is article marketing. Marketing of this kind uses published articles to help website owners generate new traffic. This additionally increases their search engine rating. These articles function as the primary source of marketing, seeking to bring in new customers. New customers are the sole source of profits.

Although you may indeed be capable of composing all the copy for your article marketing by yourself, you could also take advantage of the many firms that can do that job for you. Lots of authors are busy composing fresh copy for marketing services throughout the world. They have assorted perspectives and backgrounds and therefore can pen a wide variety of interesting articles.

As unique content is very important in article marketing, it is essential for you to have the ability of writing plenty of articles having the same topic in different ways. Mostly, you will not be able to get new ideas on a single topic after writing some articles only. This is a difficult job. So, the article services are very useful and valuable for your business.

Typically, article marketing services can give you an endless stream of articles on virtually any topic of your choice, no matter what field you may be in. Marketing through such a service can assist in bringing in web traffic, as well as in search engine optimization. The more articles you employ, the more keywords are added to your site, and the more likely it is that a new customer will be able to find your company's website online.

Having various contents on your site will not only gain the customers' attention, but it will convey to the customer that you are intelligent and know what you are talking about. Because these services can provide you with unique articles, you will have a plethora of information on your site that can engage a customer for a while and make them more likely to purchase your goods and services.

Services like these can make your job much easier. While you focus on other more important issues your customer base will grow and with it so will your revenues and profits. Article marketing is here to stay and these services really work. They can make a huge impact on your business.

Article marketing is a new and revolutionary type of business. It is simple and easy to do, this is right for anyone! When doing this type of business it is crucial to have unique articles. The article must hook the reader and keep them interested. You must have unique content to make sure that the reader is entertained through out reading the article. By making sure that the article has not been publish before or the topic of the article has not yet been discussed you will ensure a good business.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

If you are a webmaster and have the knack for writing, you have won half the battle of generating money through the traffic that your website will generate. If you have the power to effectively express yourself in written word and impart knowledge through your articles, your words will surely be shared, remembered, and read long after you have written your articles.

1. Be convincing. In writing your articles, you must know the elements that will make your content truly believable. Share your trade in secrets and always make sure that the information you present are all factual. You can also cite various resources that will back up your ideas. In addition, you can share a story, incorporate images, statistics or post testimonials that will further strengthen your credibility.

2. Energize your writing skills. If you are suffering from writer's block and temporarily lost the ability to write quality articles, learn the methods that will help you renew your zest. Take some time out and be inspired. Remember, the success of your article marketing campaign largely depends on the quality of the articles that you post on submission sites.

3. Write for your readers. Keep them in mind when writing your articles. Pick the information that are targeted to their needs and use words that they can easily relate to. When you make your articles easy to understand and useful, you do not only help your readers learn new things, but you also teach them to trust you.

4. Write for publishing sites. While keeping your readers in mind when writing your articles, you must also consider the rules set forth by article submission sites so you can successfully post your articles online.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Why is there a need to expand your email marketing list?

The number on your email list equates to the sales potential that you can obtain every time you send your promotional campaign to your target market. And since we all know that it takes over a hundred contacts before you create one sales lead, it is important that your list is huge enough to make a decent number of leads.

Here are the 5 proven secrets to grow your list building:

1. Build trust and establish your online credibility. Online users will not be willing to share their contact information without knowing if you are a legitimate online entrepreneur or just another spammer. One way to gain their trust is by establishing your credibility online. How? You can build a professional-looking website; communicate your expertise through article marketing or through ezine publishing. When you present online users with proofs that you really mean business and that you are a good source of information, you will not have a hard time convincing them to be part of your email marketing list.

2. Promote your list through banner ads. Identify the websites that are usually accessed by your target market and promote your list on these sites by posting your banner ads.

3. Make your subscription process hassle-free. As much as possible, ask your potential subscribers with few contact information. Their email address, name and field of interest should be enough.

4. Give online users reasons to subscribe. Throw in freebies, discounts, vouchers, free reports, or other valuable items. Since most online users love getting freebies, you will surely get subscriptions by utilizing this technique.

5. Let your subscribers know that they can choose to opt-out anytime they want. Online users might feel hesitant to give their contact information thinking that they will not be able to get out from it easily when they want to. Break that notion and communicate your terms upfront.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Article Marketing has emerged very fast as one of the best methods to design a successful business online, especially when your resources are limited.

Take care to maintain the quality of your write-ups. If you need to successfully come up with a sound article, you must write only good quality articles that readers will be eager to check out all through.

One of the major features of your article should be the title. Think carefully about a title that will grab the attention of your readers immediately. Your title is the marketing tool for your article. More often than not, your article will be indexed together with a bunch of other articles. Generally people skim through the titles only of the articles and decide by that which one to read up. If your article begins with an interesting title then more and more readers will get hooked to it. If your title is boring and uneventful, few people will stop by read your write-up.

A good introduction to your article shows the quality of the rest of the article. Inform the reader what is in your article for them and how they will benefit from reading it.

When the introduction is over, come to a new paragraph and then start the main body of your article. Divide it into separate paragraphs from every point you want to talk about. Having paragraphed points makes it comfortable to the eyes and mind to grasp the meaning of them and makes for an attractive presentation. The main gist of this paragraph should contain between three and ten points that you wish to cover. It is not necessary to cover all the points that you are aware of on the subject.

End the article with as good a conclusion as the introduction. Review the points you discussed in the foregoing paragraphs and the benefits they will receive if they follow your suggestions.

When the article is all done and ready, scan it through a spelling and grammar checker so that before submitting your article you are sure that your article is perfect which will save you the time to laboriously go through each and every word for manual confirmation.

Not much is needed to get started with article writing and probably by now you already possess the fundamental tools that are needed. This can result in a profitable online business when approached in the correct fashion. Many easy steps are out there to open the avenues for striking business opportunities through excellent articles.

You can begin by offering your articles for sale. Several blogs, websites, and news sites regularly need new articles for content. You can consider writing articles on subjects you are competent in and sell them to blog owners and web masters. However, it is obvious that the articles you write should confirm to certain quality standards if you wish to sell them at the price your article deserves. If you are the owner of your own website or blog you can show your articles there also. There is no alternative to latest and fresh content and hence new material will always keep your website or blog relevant.

If you have some knowledge about Search Engine Optimization or SEO then it will be an added advantage for you because the more traffic your website or blog attracts through your articles the better for you. You should learn the fundamentals of search engine optimization in terms of keywords and keyword density.

Truly speaking, it is very much possible to succeed in online writing and marketing articles. Your effective online business is only a stone's throw away. Start writing quality articles now and you are on your way to a successful internet business.

For more information on article marketing and other internet marketing strategies visit

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Article marketing is of course the process of writing informative articles about your niche topic, adding a link to your web site or squeeze page to the article, and submitting the articles to the various online article directories.

One of the most important things to realize is that you should choose a method of article submission are you attempting to create immediate direct traffic by writing a lot of articles and submitting them to the highest-traffic article directories, or are you more interested in writing a small number of articles and submitting them to a large number of article directories, for the purpose of creating massive numbers of backlinks and subsequently search engine traffic to your web site.

So what are your steps to success with article marketing?

1) You must be able to set goals and then follow them through, regardless of whether or not you feel like it. You see, if you want to write 200 articles this month, but do not set a schedule, or require yourself to write when you do not feel well, you will not get to 200 articles this month. If you agree with yourself that you are going to write 10 articles per day, 20 days a month, you have to follow through on that. I find that as simple as this is, it is the number one limiting activity that people do to fail at article marketing.

2) You must learn to write articles quickly. Follow this format: type up 10 article titles before you begin, then under each article title, type in 3 supporting points for each title. Next, all you have to do is teach of explain each of the supporting points, then add an introduction to each one, and presto! you have a set of ten articles.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1200 articles in print and 9 published ebooks.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

There's a specific way that you must start every article, if you want to get the maximum amount of readership as possible. It's important you start out this way so that you can best use your time, so you can get the most results out of your internet marketing business.

Also, if you do it right, you'll be able to make more money writing less articles - and the bonus is that those articles will better help your target audience, making them more appreciate of you and your services.

See what I did just there? I told you why you needed to learn what you're about the learn. This is important because roughly 31% of the population are predominately "why" learners. In other words, they can't learn about anything until they know the reason why they should learn it.

Not all people are this way. Some people only want to know the "what if". They're saying - I don't care so much for how it works or why it works, I just want to know that it works and can work for me. But not everyone is like that.

So, in order to not alienate 31% of your audience in your article, you have to tell them why. Here's a checklist I use to start each article out with. It works wonderfully because if you think about it, a 'why' is really asking - what's my motivation for learning this. Humans have six basic motivators, after their survival needs have been met.

These six motivators are:

1.To gain power or control
2.To not lose power and control
3.To enhance their relationships and to help other
4.To prevent the deterioration of their relationships and to not harm others
5.To accomplish something
6.To not fail at something

You should make an effort to touch at least briefly on all six of these motivators as they relate to the topic of your audience. This will make sure that you get as many readers as possible.

Plus, it streamlines the article writing process, so not only are you writing better articles, you're writing them faster than ever.

If you do article marketing, then you should download my report, How to Write an Article in 7 Minutes". It shows you how to write a high quality 400 word article in 7 minutes or less, including proof reading and research.

It even works on topics you know nothing about! Just go to to get it!

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Devious means of designing webpages to attract search engine traffic can easily backfire. These are just a few of the methods and techniques that you should keep away from. Don't give in to the temptation that they will work for you. Rather, they will do more harm than good for your website.

Not only will you spend weeks of wasted effort, you may have your site banned from the search engines permanently. Spend a little time learning the proper methods for improving search engine visibility and your web traffic will increase.

1. Free Web Hosting.

Don't consider using free web hosting if you are serious about increasing traffic by means of search engine visibility. Many times the search engines will eliminate content from these free hosts. As well, visitors will often consider these sites to be amateurish.

2. Missing Web Page Elements.

Be sure to check every page in your website for completeness, like faulty links, graphics, etc. There are sites on the web that will do this for free.

3. Stealing Material From Other Websites.

How many times have you heard or read that "this is the Internet and it's reasonable" to take icons and text from websites to use on your site. Don't do it. It's one thing to learn from others who have been there and another to simply copy their work. The search engines are smart, and getting smarter, and more often than not notice page duplication. They may even prevent or delay your future listings.

4. Using Keywords That Are Not Related To Your Website.

Many unprincipled website owners try to increase search engine visibility by using keywords that have nothing at all to do with their website. They place unrelated keywords in a page (such as "sex", the name of a recognized famous person, the hot search theme of the day, et cetera) in a meta tag for a page. The keyword doesn't have anything to do with the page theme. Though, since the keyword is popular, they think this will increase their visibility. This method is considered spam by the search engines and may cause the page (or even the whole site) to be removed from the search engine listing.

5. Inappropriate Choice Of Keywords.

Used correctly, keyword selection is almost certainly one of the critical elements of site design. Choose the right keywords and customers will find your site. Use the wrong ones, your site will see little, if any traffic.

6. Repeating The Same Keywords.

When you use the same keywords over and over again (called keyword stacking) the search engines may demote (or skip) the page or site .

7. Using Concealed Text.

You might think that if you cannot see them, it doesn't matter. Incorrect. Don't try to hide your keywords or keyword phrases by making them iinvisible. For example, by making the keywords the same color as the background of the web page.

8. Using Tiny Text.

This is a variation of the item above (relying on hidden text. Don't try to conceal your keywords or keyword phrases by making them tiny. Making the size of the keywords so small that they can hardly be seen causes an alert to be raised.

9. Keyword Stuffing.

Rather like keyword stacking mentioned above, this means to add unrelated keywords to the description of a graphic or tag by using the "alt=" HTML descriptor. If the search engines find that this text does not actually describe the graphic or tag it will be considered spam.

10. Assuming All Search Engines Are The Same.

Many people take for granted that each search engine adopts by the same rules. This is not so. Each has its own rule base and these are subject to change anytime they so wish. Make it a point to learn what each major search engine requires for gaining a high ranking.

If you have a website then you know the significance of traffic. Traffic is to Internet advertising what location is to real estate. It's crucial to your success. If you cannot attract targeted visitors to your site, you won't make any sales.

More often than not the proprietor or designer of the website is the person who drives traffic to the site. One major element in generating traffic is to be well regarded by the search engines. Of course, you can use paid publicity, but it's going to cost you. Using the search engines to generate targeted (interested in your product) traffic is the least expensive method known.

Unfortunately, many website owners don't appreciate the significance of search engine ranking, which leads to traffic. They place more significance on producing a "pretty" website. Not that this is bad, but it is actually of minor importance to the search engines when determining display ranking. Hopefully, being aware - VERY aware - of the list of common mistakes, made by many website owners, will help you attract more targeted free traffic to your site...after all, isn't that what you want?

Ivan Kelly managed a Direct Mail business with extensive mailing lists for ten years and has designed and promoted many websites. He also provides a quality f'ree course on Search Engine Marketing. For details, go to: List Of Topics

Wealthy Affiliate A BIG Scam?

Is Wealthy Affiliate a SCAM? Is Wealthy Affiliate the best place on the net to learn how to market and make some extra cash? Can you make a living working from home with the techniques taught there? Discover if Wealthy Affiliate is a scam in this review.

Out of all the internet marketing sites out there teaching people how to make money online, Wealthy Affiliate is by far the biggest one. Just firing up and checking the traffic ranking you can see that it is ranked insanely high at a whopping 6,000! This means that out of all the billions of websites out there in the world, it is the 6,000th most popular...not a small feat to accomplish!

But just because Wealthy Affiliate gets a lot of traffic doesn't mean that it necessarily produces a great service, right? Well I've been a successful member for well over a year now and I'm going to tell you a little about what you get access to when you're a member.

Before I joined Wealthy Affiliate (W.A.) I knew absolutely NOTHING about internet marketing. I really had no clue about how to setup a proper website, or how to drive buyers to my site. What they do at W.A. is take you by the hand and walk you step-by-step through the process of making your first sale online and then take you way beyond that.

At Wealthy Affiliate you'll find every single tool you need to go from complete beginner or intermediate marketer, to being in complete control and making great money online.

As a member you get access to over 50 tutorials covering every internet marketing topic as well as video demonstrations, keyword tools, website hosting (worth the price alone), and most importantly one-on-one training with the creators, Kyle & Carson. The creators of W.A. are expert marketers and they are extremely helpful. You can message them anytime you have a question about something. Also, the W.A. forum is also an amazing resource and you can talk with all types of people from beginners, to full-time marketers.

So what can being a member of Wealthy Affiliate do for you? Well I'm proud to say that my story ends with me quitting my day job less then a year after joining and I am now earning a full-time income from the comfort of my own home.

But am I special? Am I a "master internet marketer"...? No, not at all. I'm just your average Joe (ahem, Robert lol) but I do truly believe that these results are completely achievable by anyone who is willing to learn and work a little.

I highly recommend that you take my free detailed video and picture tour to learn more about exactly what's included with Wealthy Affiliate Click Here...

Who may be an amazing internet just don't know it yet!

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Qassia is a recent project that consist simply of equipping marketers online and owners of websites of page rank for its businesses online simply for sharing their information.

This information, denominated Intel, can be any information that you have about anything. It is not necessary to introduce information that is target with your website, affiliate website or business online. You can share any class of information and Qassia in return will provide you with quality Back Links towards your Web site.

This Link, independently of which about the information that you share will be a Link related to the subject of your website or business online.

You will obtain a limitless number of quality back links. You will put the limit with the information proportioned.

Qassia rewards users who add intel in three ways.

  1. Back links You get one back link for every intel that you add. Every intel will be equivalent a direct back link to one of your sites.
  2. Credit, When you add intel, you get credit, its Qassia dollars. Your worth of dollars in Qassia determines the amount of quality back links in the directory.
  3. Revenue When your intel is displayed, you get 100% of the advertising revenue generated by that page. That is not a hype, by the way: Qassia give you ALL of the gross ad revenue. You get 100% of the advertising revenue in the page of your intels. This means that whatever more intels you write more ads will be display and more income you will obtain.

Qassia is fully free and you can to begin it right now. Whatever more intel uploads, higher page rank will get your websites.

Surely you have verified the effectiveness of sites as article directories or press-release but Qassia has advantages still more, you can share any class of information, it ist about upload authoritative articles. Back links which you will obtain will be always quality back links towards websites, in addition all the benefits of your ads on the Intels are for you (i.e. adsense pay to per clicks).

Also you can use your intels in order to promote your affiliate programs or your online business directly.

Qassia is a Intelligence Engine of new generation that would have to be known by any owner of Web sites or blogs. It provides a class of advantages that no other Web site, and everything completely free. You must not wait, join to the Qassia community and takes advantage of all today.

Pablo Molero likes to help others discover multiple ways to make money on the internet. Find out more on how he can help you at

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

There are many different ways to promote your business on the internet. You can use PPC, ezine advertising and search engine optimization to name a few. Unfortunately for most people who are new to internet marketing these options can be very overwhelming. You need to have some money to invest to tweak your paid advertising so that you can actually get it right. Search engine optimization takes long and can be complicated and you may also not receive the conversions that you want.

The two things that I like very much about article marketing is that you get very good conversions which can be up to 10 times better than leads from other sources. So if you are new to internet marketing and trying to sell your new product it will be so much easier. Also it is completely free and only requires some time of your to write articles.

However, it can be really difficult to get started using this method of advertising your business. I remember when I first got started I really struggled to write articles. The main reason is that you need to train your brain to do this. The more practise you get the easier it will become. This is the formula that I use to write my articles. I will think of a specific area concerning my niche market and write focusing on this. I then come up with a killer title. I will write the introduction and conclusion next as these are the easiest to write first. Then I will focus on the meat of the article or the body.

I brainstorm various ideas and then think of bullet points that represent each idea. I will write one complete paragraph for each bullet point. I then proof read the article and submit it to the major article directories the following day.

Once you get going it will become easier to start writing consistently and consequently you will start getting highly qualified traffic to your website.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

The process of writing and publishing articles online is currently the most profitable way to make money over the World Wide Web. This effective promotional tool, which is commonly referred to as article marketing, is proven to easily augment website's traffic and help marketers earn the trust of their potential customers as they can showcase their expertise through their article content.

Here are the 4 amazing secrets to breakthrough with article marketing:

1. Use effective titles. Your titles can either make or break your article marketing campaign. If they are well-written and attention-grabbing, your articles will surely get the exposure they need as they will be more likely to be opened, read, and widely republished.

2. Your articles must be informative. Make your readers happy by filling up your articles with valuable information that are targeted to their needs and demands. Never leave any stone unturned and strive to dig deeper so you can give your potential clients more in-depth side of your stories.

3. Lay down your objectives. When you know your goals in writing and distributing your articles online, adjusting your marketing efforts and techniques will become a lot easier. For instance, if you would like to drive more traffic to your website you must be willing to multiply the number of your articles to increase your inbound links.

4. Make your resource box compelling. I can't still believe that there are marketers who are not taking their time in creating their resource box. Some of them are just leaving their websites' URL. If you aim to improve your conversation rate, this is not the way to go. You must make your resource box enticing and interesting to compel more people to check on your website.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.